Thursday, February 8, 2018

Holohoax lies as political "religion" renders satanic society, fools; get a clue....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...r-doubter.html

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Holohoax: Monument To Lies, Lying, Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 18)

Well Hoffman: this Faurisson affair (see above ref.) which u note for us is just another battle of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). And the implicit premise is the objective (or "God-given") reality as necessary basis of truth vs. extreme subjectivism which holds the subject's mind/consciousness is creator of reality--satanism, by definition.

Thus we see Jews' "midrash" (interpretation) is basis of their subjectivism, and Jews are notable for their COLLECTIVE and organized subjectivism which they firmly "believe," and thus insist upon imposing upon everyone else.

For note subjectivism is also held by many gentiles--far more than there are Jews--as in case of "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism). But gentiles' subjectivism is more random, muddled, and disorganized, and gentiles, including the extreme subjectivists among them (satanists), are far less organized than Jews, the Jews being far more self-confident for their methodic application and cohesion.

Thus a far less numerous cadre of Jews, who are subjectivists by religion, is capable of leveraging and even dominating a far greater number of gentile subjectivists--who all then, together--are often capable of dominating the entire aggregate population of the entire society and culture, as we see nowadays in the world, the West, and USA.

And we see this domination of subjectivism especially in the way of fiat-currency and central-banking (see for expo, use their search-engine), by which real MONEY, commodity-based, hence not subject to counterfeiting, is now denied to the people by means of dictatorship, as by means of "legal-tender" laws which force the people to accepting fiat-currency as payment for goods and svcs.

And it's far more likely the word, "usury," refers to this fiat-currency system RATHER than merely to charging-of-interest. For it is the fiat-currency all by itself, regardless of charging-of-interest, which defrauds, despoils, and impoverishes the people. For as the fiat-currency is constantly issued forth ("inflation") the previous currency units necessarily LOSE VALUE--regardless of any charging-of-interest.

Thus we see these "central-bankers" are simply criminals engaged in LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING by means of this fiat-currency. And note the central-bank is necessarily an exclusive MONOPOLY, for if everyone could legally counterfeit the currency the reduction-ad-absurdum is obvious.

Thus one sees the society/culture/economy dominated by these central-bank criminals is necessarily SATANIC, and the leading satanists are those who practice such extreme subjectivism as essence of their VERY RELIGION--"midrash."

Thus naturally, such satanic culture will insist upon lies and lying, like holohoax, as foremost religious precept to be imposed upon the over-populated fools, suckers, goons, morons, and various assorted scum who now make up much the bulk of the population within a degenerate society, that society having been previously built by more capable, competent, and honest citizenry who had insisted upon an objectively-oriented economy and real monetary system--which built the original civilization now being destroyed by the satanists as in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So the poor deluded, befuddled, and defrauded victims and people of the civilization need to realize and face facts regarding this fiat-currency, central-banking scam, and criminal enterprise which is destroying them. Unfortunately, it really seems such popular awakening won't happen until more victims of satanism continue to pile-up, and things economic start to getting evermore un-comfortable. Holohoax lies and lying is mere symptom of larger cultural sickness and rot--SATANISM, built on extreme subjectivism and "midrash."

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