Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hoffman confuses the history and circumstances for dear unc' Adolf, Germany--to try to make himself look "good," "moral," etc....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-ashes-on.html

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Hoffman Is Clueless One, Regarding Dear Unc' Adolf, satanism, Central-Banking, Etc.
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 18)

Hoffman tells us in his article, here, "Hitler was almost always outfoxed...." But the real question is WHAT does our Pelagian heretic, Hoffman, pretending to being Christian, Christianity being worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), know about "foxiness"?--or anything?

For Hoffman certainly knows nothing about economics, or capitalism, or money and banking--which subjects he babbles about, as in his travesty of a book, "Usury in Christendom...," which "usury" Hoffman gives no definition or exposition for exact original meaning, failing to note "usury" actually has no definitive or specific understanding fm the ancient sources.

For Germany was essentially attacked by the Jew-led central-banking power (see for expo), Britain having made an offensive alliance w. Poland, Poland having threatened war w. Germany over German re-uniting w. German city of Danzig. It was Britain and France who first declared war upon Germany, never forget, beginning the second world war.

For Germany had lost WWI, never forget, only 21 yrs earlier, Germany then dis-armed for heavy weapons, the armed forces reduced to 100,000, the nation looted by the Allied criminals, the people literally starved by the Brit. blockade into signing the Versailles Treaty and enslavement. For the Western plutocratic satanists led by Jews and "bankers" had to continue to protect, cultivate, and subsidize their latest Bolshevik monster they'd created in Russia, having mass-murdered millions of Christians, Soviet Russia the proto-type and enforcer for world gov. dictatorship they were busily constructing.

And yes, Hoffman, life is very much war, humans being sinners, and regardless of "Neanderthals," it's well-known method of war to threaten retaliation in kind for whatever one may complain of one's enemies, like bombing of civilians.

So what's Hoffman's real object for this latest article of his?--just more of his usual moralistic virtue-signaling and one-upsmanship, pretending, like the Pelagian hereticalist he is, to knowing all about moralistic "virtue," lecturing others--like he evidently does for his own, poor, victimized children.

For it's Hoffman and hubris-filled Pelagianists like him who are the real problem of our present society consumed in satanism and satanic, extreme subjectivism, pretending to what doesn't exist, like child's "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" God-like will. Hitler was actually a great hero bravely fighting this horrific and ever-expanding satanism, and he was magnificent for naming and confronting the Jew.

But Hitler only failed for the larger cultural issue of satanism in general, founded in subjectivism, hubris, and moralism, for which Jews are the natural leaders, but themselves don't originate, only taking advantage and manipulating it, due to their natural and thematic superior collectivist cohesion and organization, for their own purposes--as we see in this day, having become masters by specific means of that amazing criminal enterprise of fiat-currency (legalized counterfeiting) and central-banking--which subject-matters Hoffman hasn't the slightest grasp or understanding.

1 comment:

  1. See for ref. above essay, no. 7, regarding "Hoffman"; also ck

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    Liar Who Lies Backs-Up Hereticalist, Hypocrite
    (Apollonian, 14 Feb 18)

    What's this, "alan" (see below-copied)?--u "can't fathom"?--well, we're not surprised as u're not too bright are u? And what?--u can't "engage" Pelagianism?--pretending to child's "good-evil"?--and u can't go to Wikipedia or use the search engine?--but who's fault is that?

    Evidently, u're soooo brainlessly incompetent as to beggar belief, eh?--and we see u're just another liar, advocating the same sort of censorship that Hoffman practices at same time he hypocritically complains about it so often as he does in his putrid passive-aggressive, pathetic, and self-pitying manner.

    But those are just my opinions, "alan," buddy, and I back them up w. substantial pts., info, and facts which u pretend are "vitriolic," liar as u are, though u're entitled to ur opinions too, eh? So people can read ur lies and my facts and see how it all reflects on ur hero, Hoffman.

    ---------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

    Alan Donelson says:
    February 14, 2018 at 8:46 pm GMT • 200 Words

    I cannot fathom the obvious vitriol flowing through the pair of comments “appollonian” posted. I have read Michael Hoffman’s work extensively and consider the essay on the tragedy of Dresden and related mass murders of people one of his most heart-felt and powerful. A scientist by training and predilection, I cannot engage competently the several “Pelagian” references and the following nasty attack:

    “So what’s Hoffman’s real object for this latest article of his?–just more of his usual moralistic virtue-signaling and one-upsmanship, pretending, like the Pelagian hereticalist he is, to knowing all about moralistic “virtue,” lecturing others–like he evidently does for his own, poor, victimized children.”

    I do wonder why the moderator — this comment thread is moderated, I presume — allowed the two postings by “appollonian”, apparently his|her first two on this site, and specifically motivated by attacking Mr. Hoffman. I hope others who frequent this site can express similar sensibilities.
