Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hoffman, so busy virtue-signaling, can't figure-out simplest inductive logic regarding the satanic culture we have....

Below-copied essay first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-massacre.html

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Does Hoffman Understand Simplest Inductive Logic And Method?
(Apollonian, 4 Oct 17)

Hoffman: what's ur problem?--I'll tell u what it is. Ur problem is u don't care about logic, and this is why u admonish ur good correspondents, and even call them names. Because ur good commenters here, above, are supplying u w. good conclusions and observations founded in the best INDUCTION and scientific method, which works by means of particulars moving then to general conclusion. So let me now go over the specifics:

(a) USA and West are entirely under a SATANIC regime, this regime founded solidly upon CENTRAL-BANKING (see for expo) which is literally legalized counterfeiting, having replaced real money, commodity-based, gold/silver being best, which can't be counterfeited, this real money now replaced w. "fiat"-CURRENCY which can be nearly infinitely replicated/proliferated ("inflation"), the currency previously existing now devalued by the evermore new currency being issued, the people now methodically despoiled, defrauded, and enslaved.

(b) Who then runs this overall SATANIC regime?--wouldn't it be the foremost Satanists?--those Satanists who make themselves co-equal w. God, whom u urself admit are "self-worshippers"? And while far more gentiles are Satanists (extreme subjectivists, holding consciousness the creator of reality), wouldn't the most organized, most cohesive Satanists naturally dominate against those gentile Satanists who are far more isolated fm one another, far less organized and cohesive, gentiles in fact dominated by foremost Satanists--like the masons are dominated by aforementioned far more organized, cohesive Satanists, masons taking orders therefrom?

(c) Who dominates the central-banking network?--isn't it these same foremost Satanists?--like Rothschilds and Sons of London, England for one, Moses Seif Israel Bank of Milan, Italy, for another?--not to mention the Rothschilds of Paris France? And who are the "Chairmen" of the US Federal Reserve?--aren't they of same foremost Satanists, like present-day Yellen, who followed Ben Bernanke?--who followed Alan Greenspan? etc.

(d) Who contributes 70% of national Democratic Party campaign funding?--isn't it these foremost Satanists?

(e) Doesn't Israeli terror-state get all raw NSA data without data being first screened fm American (USA) source?--doesn't this simple fact demonstrate absolute control, dominance, and mastery?--much like the mastery of the plantation owners of Haiti over their slaves?

So Hoffman why aren't these specific facts and observations significant for the INDUCTIVE CONCLUSION as to WHO it is at the top controlling, dominating, manipulating?--including for the relatively small-potatoes event recently in Las Vegas?

Given the proper inductive and scientific method, Hoffman, I'd say it's now ur obligation to DISPROVE that Jews aren't at the bottom of it all regarding latest Las Vegas incident--and ur good correspondents, above, are simply following logic and common sense and providing most excellent info for u--which u now reject as u merely want to flash cheap virtue-signaling to ur clients, the Jews, whom u imagine can ONLY be criticized by u as u imagine u occupy some kind of exalted position of the Pharisaic version of moralism.

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