Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hoffman has it explained to him in simplest terms--but I have little hope the stupid shit can grasp, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-lobby-to.html

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satanism Is Subjectivism, Besets Culture, Society
(Apollonian, 20 Sep 17)

Hoffman: I suggest to u the program which is being pushed, in general, is satanism. So WHAT is satanism, exactly?--it's basically, at root, extreme subjectivism, the idea all reality is product of consciousness/mentality, thus making oneself God, the creator. Judaism then is just a collectivistic version/variation of this basic Satanism by which Jews cooperate upon practical goals, the Jews being most organized and best led towards ends of this GROUP-THINK process.

Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) opposes this subjectivism/Satanism, by means of the implicit, God-given OBJECTIVE reality, the necessary criterion/basis for any "truth."

This basic philosophic/theologic dichotomy, objective vs. subjective, is at root of conflict NOT ONLY btwn Judaism vs. Christian, but the even more general satanism, there being MANY more gentile satanists than Jews, BUT Jews able to organize, direct, manipulate, and manage these Satanists towards particular ends and goals. The satanists then, in general, though still being a minority among all the people, are thus more capable, by means of Jew leadership, of intimidating and manipulating the people in general for political/cultural purposes.

Primary practical instrument for Satanists and Satanism is the CENTRAL-BANK (see for expo) by which CURRENCY, not real money, is forced upon the people, this currency then proliferated/replicated ("inflation") which steadily devalues the currency units previously issued, the people despoiled, defrauded, and steadily enslaved--as we see.

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