Saturday, August 19, 2017

satanists, "deep-state" so heavily, intensively, prominently, even DESPERATELY at work, it's almost rather funny, just begging for someone to pop their little bubble, ho ho oh ho ho....

Satanic "Deep State" Steadily, Busily, Intensively At Work To Terrorize People, Destroy Western Culture, Start War
(Apollonian, 19 Aug 17)

God almighty, but satanic "deep state" is BUSY--just ck the front page for today, still 19 Aug 17, w. all the latest headlines and click-bait topicalities (for the air-brain morons and "snow-flakes"), ho ho ho ho ho, extending esp. to the "sports" section too, don't forget--for all the "sports" junkies among the scum who are called, "the people." The last week's headlines were similar.

Note also Donald Trump is INTEGRAL part to all this satanic programming and psy-ops, including the latest psy-op at Charlottesville, Va., where the state of Va., including the satanic "deep-state," lured in people of general patriotism for preservation of the Confederate monuments and statues--AND THEN ordered a "stand-down" of police protection as they allowed and encouraged the "antifa" scum and thugs to literally beat-up and assault the rightists, patriots, and "white-nationalists." THIS IS STATE TERRORISM, suckers, and u brainless stupid scum out there, pretending to be "the people" of the nation need to get a clue, u dumb b*st*rds.

The people who suffered fm these assaults have excellent grounds for suing the state, the police, and the politicians involved, including the governor and the mayor of the city. Further, it's CONSPIRACY by G. Soros and the other satanists who contrived and organized all this mayhem and rioting (literally), and they should be arrested and prosecuted, which they won't be, and the poor dumb b*st*rds of the nation, "the people," have no leadership, certainly not any real Christian leadership or guidance, betrayed by Trump and other "neo-cons" and "Rinos." The poor, stupid, brainless scum of Jew S A, dumb puke.

So, looking at the headlines, as I noted, above, on the front page, we have, "White Supremacists Didn't Show Up In Boston, But These Awesome Signs Did." So all conservatives and "white nationalists" are now "supremacists"--such is the satanic "deep-state" treatment--get the picture?--it's "rocket-science," isn't it? Actually seems rather desperate measures by these scummy satanists, I must say, and incidentally, that headline is fm "Huffington Post," ho ho ho oho. What else is new?--ho ho ho oho.

Another headline, fm JewsWeek (ho oho ho) is "Boston Free Speech Rally Ends Early After 15K Counter-Protesters Drown It Out," trumpeting the idea that "conservatives" sponsored the event, but after the satanist "counter-protestors" showed up, the conservatives packed it in--all giving the obvious impression that the satanists rule, and truly they do when they control the central-bank, able to issue nearly infinite funding of the evermore worthless currency to be paid to the morons, scum, puke, filth, queers, suckers, and dumbasses.

FM the sports section we have this headline: "DeMarcus Cousins on Confederate statues: ‘Take all them motherf—ers down.'" And there were also headlines fm famous niggers, Lebron James and Kevin Durant. The satanic "deep-state" is fully deployed for intimidation/terror against the people, stimulating "impressions" among the dumbasses.

What do the white players think?--well, ck this fm Jew York Times, one of the white morons wants to sympathize w. the stupid niggers: It's precisely the white players who should be speaking-out about this moronic terror and intimidation, and many of them surely understand what's really going on, but they're toooooooooo goddam stupid and cowardly to say anything. Poor, dumb, brainless morons of Jew S A, as their filthy satanic-dominated culture continues to go steadily down the proverbial "drain."

So don't forget Trump COULDN'T be so stupid as to grasp EXACTLY what is happening and WHO is at work. Don't doubt Trump and Soros are old partners fm earlier on in their business careers: see And there are many other such stories one can easily search engine (but don't use Jewgle).

So note the satanic "deep-state" is engaged in manufacturing a little story-line and "narrative," or two or three, surely. Satanists want to keep their "leftist" "antifa" flunkies and thugs well-paid, well-rehearsed, and ever-ready for more work to be done--they've got nearly un-limited funds, don't forget. And as most people are stupid sons-of-bitches more interested in "bread-and-circuses," the "antifa" activity will surely stick in their minds for intimidation and terror. The thugs rioting will also serve as excuse/pretext for declaring martial-law when the time comes.

Such then is the satanic "deep-state" and how it works--AND TRUMP IS INTEGRAL PART in the playing-out, performance, and the inevitable synthetic "policy" that is being forged by his neo-con and Council-on-Foreign Relations picked officials, like Nicki Haley (at the United Nations) and McMasters at Nat. Security, all sponsored and approved by satanic "deep-state," suckers--try to getting a clue, u poor, stupid morons.

1 comment:

  1. See Is there?--could there now be slightest doubt Trump knows exactly, precisely what's going on? These "demonstrations" are all satanic "deep-state" psy-ops by which to terrorize and intimidate the stupid shits of Jew S A, and Trump is FULLY in league and in gear w. it all. "Counter-protesters" were what?--"protesting bigotry and hate"?--no, stupid--it had NOTHING to do w. that at all--it was all actually hatred of patriots rights to assemble and free speech in favor of conservative values, and Trump knew it--how could he not? Look at all the scum who showed-up, fifteen thousand?--think of all the financing and money which was behind it all.
