Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Philosophy, necessary implications, consequences of satanism should be faced, considered, suckers....

"Deep State" Is satanic State, In Death Spiral, Pushing Death Cult, Moralism Of Death
(Apollonian, 16 Aug 17)

Note the present "deep state" is the satanic state, Satanism being extreme subjectivism by which one makes oneself God. Thus "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, moves fm the corrupt and degenerate society, sated upon victory and prosperity, to (a) HUBRIS, and (b) then to outright satanism, this by means of the moralism of death, esp. altruism and Kantian-type "duty."

For as the greatest, most fundamental enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is the non-existent "good," necessarily built upon subjectivism, the evermore corrupt and hubristic society moves fm ever-greater hubris to outright pervasive satanism, built upon the moralism of death, altruism and Kantian "duty," necessarily and logically.

For observe the satanic empire necessarily deplores "racism," the determinist principle, and preservation of one's people, glorification of ancestors and culture, hence local gov. supremacy and states rights. Thus globalism deplores "racism."

Thus satanism (a) is a death cult, deplores race and "racism," hence humanity, reason, determinism, all in the name of subjective moralism, and (b) necessarily promotes the moralism of death, altruism, Kantian "duty," thus the elevation of mythical "nature" and "environment," or "earth," over humanity, hence individual freedom. Thus humanity and individual freedom are trashed in favor of "moralism" in general, but understood as subjectivistic moralism, satanic and in favor of death, including suicide, altruism, and Kantian "duty." Such then is the obligatory satanic death cult and moralism of death.

Thus note the satanic society is simply the logical continuation of the corruption of the ever-growing, evermore pervasive hubris of the degenerate society in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. The HUBRIS simply becomes evermore established, emphasized, and enforced in way of anti-racism, anti-human "environmentalism," and outright anti-rationalism, always in the name of "good" and moralism.

Thus the satanic society not only pushes the obligatory death cult as means of ever-greater political power among the master-minds at the top of the satanic society, but it pushes a veritable general culture and mentality/"spirit" of death-worship in way of moralism of death, by way of altruism and Kantian "duty," always including, for example, anti-racism. Child sacrifice and child-trafficking then are obligatory and necessarily ancillary functions to this satanic culture, spirit, and moralism of the general satanism, hence death-worship.

Thus we see present Jew S A, formerly USA, is "progressed" (or reduced) now to the satanic empire, not merely the occasionally hubristic empire in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Thus Jew S A is dominated by foremost satanists (subjectivists), especially the Jews and Israel, bombing the enemies of Israel, Jews, and satanism in general, always now in name of "moralism," including especially anti-racism, but also environmentalism, etc.

And the established Christian churches, for example, exalt the Jews and their satanic (subjectivist) principles, including holohoax, above all, pushing this death moralism against the people, as we see. Thus the practical, established "Christianity," dominated by Jews and satanists, always pushes subjectivism and "good" against and above the proper Christian principle of TRUTH (= Christ), even if they don't always admit it.

Such then is the "deep state" and its necessary satanic logic and program, having now gone far beyond mere HUBRIS of Spenglerian Western "decline," capitalizing upon the hubris of the corrupted people who crave only bread and circuses, led by proverbial noses and the "pied-piper" of moralism and "good," "good" a creature of subjectivism and the worst enemy of truth (= Christ).

1 comment:

  1. See
