Saturday, July 1, 2017

Here's one of those dangerous (for the satanic scum) situations when the purest satanism and satanic nature is most blatant and plain, even to the dumbest....

Satanists Leading Republicans Want To Cave-In To Democrat satanists
(Apollonian, 1 Jul 17)

Satanists leading the Democrats double-down on plain and simple "repeal" of Obama-care:

And note the actual fact is simple repeal is easiest, simplest, and best. For obvious fact is no one goes without basic health care, and guess what else?--EVERYONE KNOWS IT--everyone, including the Democrats, and including all the people too. There's no one who doesn't know it, i.e., that no one goes without basic health care. So what are the Democrats, led by satanists doing?--who do they think they're kidding?

The Republicans need to simply speak truth, for once in their lives. What's happening is the health insurance companies working to enlarge and increase their MONOPOLISTIC control over the economy, the people, and the "health" industry, that's all. And what's more, everyone knows the next step, when this Obama-care corruption eventuates in the inevitable disaster is the "single-payer" total socialization.

So if the Republicans were really smart, they'd simply call the Democrats' bluff, and call that of the satanist liars too--but they won't, because Republicans are led and intimidated by satanists too--it's just another step in the complete corruption and destruction of the society. But this time, lots and lots of folks know and understand the satanic nature of this game--and many of them are Christians, the dumb ****s. Greatest weapon the Christian morons have is truth, but they're afraid to make use of it, the stupid scum.

1 comment:

  1. Here's the story:
