Tuesday, June 20, 2017

satanism--it's imported, then festers, then become dominant and invincible within corrupt, hubristic society, in "Decline of the West," by Spengler....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but not published (yet anyway), at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...e-to-fear.html

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Hoffman's Gross Lies And Mis-Conceptions On Christianity, Bible, Ethics, And Lending-At-Interest
(Apollonian, 20 Jun 17)

Good gravy, but Hoffman sure packs a lot of buzz-words within a short paragraph. For what happens is the inexorable CYCLE of history in which a successful civilization breeds up generations of corrupt and hubristic moralists, like Hoffman, who pretends to "good-evil" and Pelagian heresy. For there's no one who's good; all are sinners who need God's grace and mercy for salvation. Hoffman desperately wants to pretend he's good, and there's his first, basic problem--he's got this fixated inferiority complex.

For then we see the satanists and Jews, Jews most organized of satanists decisively entering and affecting the corrupt society and culture of hubris, Jews establishing their regime founded on central-banking which is literally legalized counterfeiting. See for expo on central-banking.

For what is satanism?--it's making oneself God the creator, this by means of (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that mind/consciousness creates reality, making oneself God. Judaism is most notable and dominating variation of satanism as Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC, they all co-operating ("group-think") upon selected subjectivistic and self-serving issues, Jews well-led, most cohesive, and absolutely invincible once they establish their central-bank criminal enterprise by which they literally buy and control everything and everybody, directly or indirectly.

Hoffman then starts lying as he talks about, "...allowing the mortal sin of renting money." But Hoffman knows nothing about money, its distinction w. "currency," or even economics in general; he merely wants to pretend he's good and someone else is "evil," like "situation ethics," another thing about which he knows or says nothing. For ethics is mere logic btwn ends and means. Thus as means are consistent w. ends, those means are "ethical," by definition, and if the means are not consistent, they're not ethical--it isn't rocket-science.

For Christ is truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth necessarily dependent on the objective, God-given reality, and the enemy is lies and lying based upon the subjectivist view of reality, reality to subjectivists being merely what they say ("midrash," according to Pharisees and Talmud).

So the pt. in ethics and reason is that human reason is necessary to distinguish the objective reality, hence truth, and the Bible is merely advisory, a work of literature which seeks to conveying lessons and observations. Hoffman doesn't understand or even define "usury," so how does he pretend to pontificate about "mortal sin" or lending at interest?

So we see Hoffman's GROSS problems for his entire philosophy, so mis-conceived, and expo on Bible, human reason, ethics, economics, "usury," and lending at interest. Hoffman knows NOTHING and his advice is worse than worthless--it's dis-info and lies all founded upon gross ignorance and the desperate pretension to "good-evil."

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