Sunday, May 7, 2017

What's IMMEDIATE TARGET of Jews, satanists?--the free I-Net, suckers--get a clue to saving ur stupid lives, morons....

Get A Clue, U Stupid Puke--Free I-Net Is Immediate Target Of satanists, Jews, Filth
(Apollonian, 7 May 17)

Comrades, dip****s, scum: get a clue to saving ur idiot lives and ck out this great vid for what ZOG, Trump, Soros, and Ajax Jewns ( are all cooperating upon--REMOVAL OF FREE I-NET, suckers,

It's real simple for their satanic technique: (a) first, just blatant terror and hysteria, like Trump's "tomahawk" strike on Syria, a month ago, on false pretext of the hoax "chemical" attack--and just when the Democrats were desperately back-pedaling on the Susan Rice scandal, using "intelligence" assets for political purposes.

(b) Now Soros is funding the "antifas" for domestic turmoil, all of this to be heavily played-up by Jews-media. And the purpose is then to declare martial-law and suppress the free I-net, dumbasses--isn't it obvious? For there's NOTHING Jews and satanists hate more than TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)

Don't forget Trump is a kike, see, and he works for Jews, NOT USA; "America first" was just a typical brilliant lie by kikes to win the election. Trump is in w. Soros, always has been; see Trump's son-in-law is notorious "liberal," partnered w. Soros.

Of course, Ajax Jewns is yet another Jew-friendly liar, pushing for Trump the sell-out traitor to USA, collaborator w. Jews, Jewns enhancing and promoting the hysteria.

And the OBVIOUS monstrosity bearing-down upon USA and its poor people, w. the masses of morons and "snow-flakes," is that complex of cartels and monopolies, including the Jews-media, Farce-book, Jew-gle (Google), Jew-tube, Twitter, etc., as the above vid well-notes. Behind this complex of cartels and monopolies, including Big-Pharma, etc., is the central-bank (see for expo).

So HOW to unite the people against this Jew-satanic conspiracy and -complex?-- (a) it has to be, first and generally, the rationalist, anti-semitic Christianity, the real thing, Christianity standing for truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), founded upon the objective (God-created) reality--AGAINST Jew lies, founded in subjectivism ("midrash") of satanic Talmud, see Gosp. JOHN 8:44 and (b) Then there's real money founded on commodity, gold/silver being best, and states rights founded in secession and nullification.

But anti-semitism and anti-satanism founded in subjectivism is the first and basic principle to be understood and EMPHASIZED, for in subjectivism there's no meaningful truth, as there's nothing upon which it can be based. Without the real Christianity, hence anti-semitism, all is lost. For Judaism IS satanism, and that's what's working and winning. Get a clue, fools.

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