Tuesday, May 9, 2017

satanists RULE, suckers, and they don't mind that u know it, fools....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but then kikes there deleted it, at comments,

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Mises Institute.

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There's Reason, If U Just Open Ur Eyes
(Apollonian, 9 May 17)

"Why, oh why, can't progressives and collectivists understand this?"

Don't forget: worst enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is "good." It was Plato, the subjectivist (to simplify things), who equated truth, good, and beauty in his own little "trinity," when fact is there is no "good" or "good-evil." Proof is there's no CRITERION (for such "good-evil"). And if u simply direct ur attn., u'll see all and every act of dictatorship and un-Constitutional laws and acts are ALWAYS justified by "good," esp. the "good of the public" ("public interest").

And the foundation of this fallacious/delusional/hereticalist (Pelagianism) "good-evil" is SUBJECTIVISM, the idea reality is mere creation of the mind/consciousness, the extreme version of this being SATANISM, idea one is God (which thus creates reality).

U need to getting a clue, buddy--to saving ur pathetic life. We have absolutely active and dominant satanists RULING THIS WORLD, right now, as we speak--satanists making explicit and knowing use of "good-evil" fallacy, thus manipulating all the brainless, over-populated scum.

So, u see, at ROOT is the dichotomy of objective vs. subjective view of reality, as pt'd up by "progressive" hero, Immanuel Kant, just a more modern Platonist, who "improved" the philosophy of good old Aristotle, in order--what was his purpose?--to save "morality," as he (Kant) admitted and professed.

So u asked the proper question, at the top, but u need to facing-up to the answer. Oswald Spengler did a lot to analyzing things in "Decline of the West," the original, brave, and heroic founding generations of a culture/civilization, who begin w. that objective view of the world, giving rise to corrupt following generations who evermore reject objectivity, hence determinism (absolute cause-effect) for God-like "free" will and the present satanism, as we see so PLAINLY in front of our very eyes. Wake-up, sucker.

-----------------------------Above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------------------

noah • 17 hours ago

"What individualism teaches us is that society is greater than the individual only in so far as it is free. In so far as it is controlled or directed, it is limited to the powers of the individual minds which control or direct it. "

Why, oh why, can't progressives and collectivists understand this?

Even in a "representative" government, the politicians and technocrats and academics and statists who legislate and manipulate and intervene are NOT expressing the collective will of all individuals within society... they are expressing the collective will of SOME of them, but mostly they are expressing the collective will of politicians and technocrats and academics and statists (and cronies). For the masses, that amounts to oppression, not representation.

So instead of that fundamental attitude of humility that Hayek mentions, we are left with a fundamental attitude of arrogance. And if you look at many of our presidential candidates in recent decades (particularly losing ones) they positively reek of it.

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