Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Ron Paul needs to getting "clue": satanism is the PLAN; he needs to take explicit note, identify and analyze the problem for the people....

Satanism IS the "Plan": Paul Doesn't "Get It"
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 17)

Ron Paul says way to solve immigrant problem is (a) don't give them welfare, (b) end the wars in general, and (c) esp. the drug war. See http://www.againstcronycapitalism.or...drug-war-that/.

But of course, Paul doesn't get it, and that's why he's out of it, so useless he is. For Paul should be pt-ing out that it's simply the satanic plan to destroy USA by means of this invasion of aliens, enemies, and foreigners, along w. the wars. And long as the stupid scum, called "the people," go along, they deserve it. Of course, these poor people have NO proper leadership whatsoever fm the Christian "churches," such as they are.

For it merely needs be pt'd out for satanist motives, destruction of USA, Christian culture and people, genocide and Agenda-21 pop. reduction, the poisoning of the people by means of drugs, poison vaccines, GMO foods, etc. It, this satanic program, is specifically anti-Christ, and it's being pushed by all the establishment "Christians," including the satanic, Jesuit pope, Bergoglio.

And the anti-dote to such satanism is easy, pt-ing out the hi-jacking of "moralism" and homosexual sense-gratification, the assault against reason and law, racial and cultural loyalty, and the obvious violence being prosecuted by the leftist, Soros-funded demonstrators who should be immediately branded for what they are, terrorists, subversives, and traitors. "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) should be IMMEDIATELY out-lawed and banned, the leaders arrested, rounded-up, tried, and executed. What is Trump waiting for?--surely, he knows quite well what's going on--a deliberate insurrection by "globalists," treason, pure and simple.

And of course, we need real money, removal of the central-bank, the US Federal Reserve--see for expo on such banking. That central bank is the literal fount of all the satanic and terrorist activity, for satanists are the people who run the central bank, and satanism and satanic activity is what it produces. And the states must have their rights restored, w. nullification and option of secession.

But getting back to Paul who is soooo miserably out-to-lunch: he should IDENTIFY the problem, nothing less than a satanic program being prosecuted, satanism being extreme subjectivism, funded by the criminal enterprise known as central-banking, Soros simply the most prominent agent, other agents of influence steadily assisting, like the whore "Madonna" who advocated "blowing-up" the White House. Perhaps Trump is just waiting, building a case he can bring to the people for martial law or at least a counter-plan for dealing w. this TREASON, like arresting BLM, to start.

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