Monday, January 30, 2017

satanism grows fm hubris, which grows fm "prosperity," esp. that induced by central-banking (legalized counterfeiting)....

Extent Of Satanic Perversion, Corruption--Sad, Tragic, Alarming, But Also Dangerous
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 17)

Imagine and ponder the amazing satanic treason of the "globalists" present complaining about Trump's ban on Muslim "immigration" (invasion is more accurate)--who's kidding who?--and HOW is this even happening? Obviously it's Christian country, USA, made by and for Christians, etc., yet this sort of complaining by these traitors in favor of Muslim invasion is promoted openly and brazenly by the Jews-media--"fake news."

Perhaps that's most amazing thing, this Muslim invasion is so promoted, so prominently, in in-ur-face style. The powers behind this amazing, brazen campaign for treason and suicide MUST be, could only be psychotic old men, with too much money to wasting, like Soros and Kissinger, utterly out of their minds--to think they'll actually get-away w. this idiocy. But one easily sees the purpose for it all, this moronic campaigning by these old psychos and satanists.

Such agitation, as by Soros, et al., is part of an only dimly veiled military program for OVER-THROW, the demoralizing of the population and leadership, diversion to going along w. the direct, military action against the leadership, and to be imposed upon the people. And the program by Soros, et al., also obviously includes options for assassination, never doubt. Don't forget what happened in Ukraine, just for one instance of these Soros-inspired take-overs.

Soros needs be tossed in jail, obviously, but isn't--why?--how? Well, just look at the Jews behind Trump (beginning w. his son-in-law)--it's all part of their plan, obviously. For this country belongs to kikes, and they're just training us for being patient as these Jews run their little travesties for propaganda, etc.

But it all (such psychotic treason, etc.) only goes to show extent of the gross hubris which has taken such hold over so many people. And we see another condition for this moronic psychosis is the false prosperity, fueled by DEBT, issued by the central-bank, which gives these fools luxury of a middle-class sort of life-style so that they have the leisure time and ability to afford this sort of moronic agitation as they do.

Such then is the satanic empire at work: at this pt. it can't help itself, it can't moderate itself easily, for too many of the people are too pathetically affected by this idiotic hubris in all its various manifestations, but especially for the flat-footed, open-mouth gazing upon the situation as it plays out, by the goons, morons, and scum who've been bred-up by the conditions of false-prosperity, esp. the central-bank which has so brilliantly, infernally subsidized and financed it all.

Poor, dumb, brainless bastards--they can't figure-out they're over-populated and they're on schedule to being exterminated--they're just toooooooo goddam stupid to figure it out. That's why the central bank is so KEY to the problems, why it's got to be removed, and why real MONEY (hence gold/silver) has to be re-introduced as legal tender. And the states must be made sovereign for their powers to nullifying and seceding.

Finally, and along w. everything else, satanism must be isolated and identified as a key element of all the perversion, and thus understood for what it really is, extreme subjectivism, etc., by which one makes oneself God, this being done in practicality by means of collectivistic secret societies, beginning w. Jews and masons.

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