Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Real Christianity is DETERMINIST, never doubt, a very simple argument (absolute cause-effect), which satanists, subjectivists, and Platonists hate, ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Determinism Really Simple, Crushing Argument
(Apollonian, 29 Nov 16)

Well, I said what I said, and consider that's sufficient, u just repeating ur special-pleading and mysticism. Christianity (worship of TRUTH [= Christ] founded upon objectivity) is the Hegelian (-style) anti-thesis to Pharisaic subjectivism ("midrash," Oral Law Tradition), hence lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), as I've noted.

Foremost pretext to this subjectivism is non-existent "good-evil," Pelagian heresy--why is this so difficult to grasp? Neither u nor anyone is capable of "good" (which requires definition), and this is a deterministic fact, period.

St. Paul affirms we're sinners, we not having "free" will to not sinning, we requiring God's grace and mercy to enter Heaven, etc.

So is Christ = truth?--yes or no? How can there be truth without an objective reality? And if reality is objective, then it's determined (absolute cause-effect) which is affirmed by St. Paul--so what do u want? Determinism is also the necessary inductive conclusion given observation of reality, u not capable of presenting any counter-evidence. So keep wiggling and squirming.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Liberty Bell November 29, 2016 at 5:52 PM

As for your professed Internet difficulties: Make sure that you are not copying the final period. The period ends the sentence, not the URL. The URL is as follows:

You can also access it via The Wayback Machine.

In any case, Vexen's page relates: "I've been a member of the Church of Satan for 15 years (since 1999), and ran the London Satanists for several years..."

As to the remainder of your remarks, I already admitted that the "fact [that he is a Satanist] ...does not entail that either his biblical exegesis or his theological musings will be in error..."

Nonetheless I find it darkly humorous that, for all your protestations against "Satanism," and for all of the millions of pages written on the issue of free will by Christian exegetes and theologians, the Bible expository that you submit (in lieu of your own) in defense of your stated denial of free will was penned by a Church of Satan adherent.

Is there no Church Doctor or Divine - whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant - that you can summon in support of your denial of free will? Just out of curiosity, can you point to any denomination or sect of Christianity (besides the "Church of Satan"!) that has even held or that now holds a position similar to the one that you endorse?

Of course, I already said that I would be willing to at least scan Crabtree's commentary. (Though I admit that I do not have anything like high hopes for it.) But I will need some time to do so, since at present my workload will not permit it.

So...stay tuned, I guess :-)

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