Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ethics then must be regarding management of emotions concerning inevitable, inexorable, determined reality, including emotions of others too; it's much an art....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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It's All God's Fault, Which He Admitted, Duly Died For, Giving Us Holy Spirit For Guidance
(Apollonian, 23 Nov 16)

Good gravy, but what is this blog really supposed to be about? I note the title question, Is God responsible (for original sin)?--and yes, he obviously must be, but still we have our problem(s) to occupy our attn.

Then, however, we see u write lots of other stuff which perhaps we're supposed to address, but maybe it's safer not to.

But when in doubt, often I find it's expedient to refer to the thematic dialectic of the literature which pertains to grasping the problem within proper context, Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. the satanic Pharisees who seriously thought they could murder TRUTH, but which truth triumphantly resurrected (Easter) as it can't be killed, as reality is objective and can't be killed, truly a lesson to be taken to heart.

Thus the objective, Aristotelian reality triumphs over satanic subjectivist, the objective reality base for all/any ensuing ethics, exemplified by Christ, reconciling emotion w. inexorable, inevitable, determined reality (will of God), including then, the emotions of fellow humans. It's much an artistic effort, regarding ethics, politics, and human psychology.

So "original sin" is that condition of human will, hence self-interest, and problem of management, necessity of reason and Holy Spirit by which we grasp the truth (= Christ), the greatest virtue for things. And life then is very much an art for ethical virtue and management therewith, Holy Spirit (reason, honesty, and integrity) there to guide us for grasping truth (= Christ).

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