Friday, October 21, 2016

Who's kidding who?--the satanism of hitlery is now so gross, blatant, in-ur-face that it's positively COMEDIC when u think about it, seriously....

Hitlery: Ultimate satanist And Now Comic Poseur--Trump Should Bring It All Into Open--HE COULDN'T LOSE--Who's Kidding Who, After All?
(Apollonian, 21 Oct 16)

Observe: we see now satanism of hitlery Clinton, gross criminal and murderer (as of Qadaffi, former, late ruler of Libya, victim of illegal invasion, etc.) reduced to virtual comedy, lately, for the demand by satanists that Trump ratify on-going election fraud of hitlery being even possibly elected president which election is otherwise impossible--INCONCEIVABLE--people thereby voting effectively for war w. Russia as in Syria w. imposition of "no-fly zone" by hitlery?--open borders?--IMPOSSIBLE--as people couldn't and wouldn't ever vote for these obviously moronic things (when u really think about it)--it's now become farcical, and Trump ought to bring it all up and out in open for discussion and consideration--the absolutely satanic presumption of it all. Who's kidding who now?

Note the satanists next deplore Trump's un-willingness to roll-over for obvious election fraud like Bernie Sanders did for hitlery's and DNC's (Dem. Nat. Committee) blatant fraud in selection of hitlery as party candidate, stealing it all fm Bernie, practically in everyone's face. Cowardly and corrupt Bernie thus grossly betrayed his numerous supporters--but not our good leader, Trump, who stands like a real man against it all. Who's kidding who?

Trump should call satanists' bluff and expose these satanists explicitly by saying flat-out that if hitlery is "elected" then (a) it could/would ONLY be election-fraud, and (b) people should righteously take-up arms to over-throw the fraud and arrest the culprits, beginning w. hitlery. For how would such justified up-rising by the armed citizenry be worse than hitlery's utterly illegal "no-fly zone" and totally illegal war? Trump should simply demand to knowing whether Syria is sovereign country, yes or no? And didn't hitlery herself admit ISIS is funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia? The logic of it all would greatly favor our good and brave leader, Trump, even though he is in w. Jews himself, unfortunately.

The "wikileaks" revelations give more than ample evidence for hitlery's gross criminality; the people well-know it, and Trump should lead and make it EXPLICIT. If hitlery had any shred of decency she'd resign, but of course, she doesn't (have least shred of decency).

And it's interesting, isn't it, that hitlery who's obviously dying of Parkinson's disease is yet pushed as candidate--how is this?--why? Well, it's just confirmation of satanist take-over of the country and world (a). And (b), it would actually be mere ruse, in all truth, by which Tim Kaine, who's another satanist, obviously, is allowed to sneak into the office. (c) And hitlery's candidacy itself is tribute by JWO (Jew world order) satanists for hitlery's tacitly admitted satanic mastery of the satanic craft for such consummate lying and posturing, hitlery the ultimate poseur, satanically so--enabler of slick Willie the rapist who lost his license to practice law for lying to the court. Who says females cannot out-do males for sheer satanism?

Thus hitlery quite literally provides most perfect model for lying, murder and mass-murder (impending war w. Russia), corruption, criminality, TREASON (open borders and gun-registration), and satanism which Trump ought to bring-up and pt.-out for a candid world and citizenry--Trump would really be doing all humanity, including himself, the greatest service in so speaking truth in the face of such blatant and now, at this pt., absolutely COMEDIC satanism. Who's kidding who, really?

So if there are any of u out there reading this, u should share this exposition of satanism-reduced-to-comedic-absurdity in way of hitlery's candidacy, especially at this pt., everything considered, to all ur friends and allies so that it might get to Trump--or at least to some nearly prominent spokes-person for civilization, humanity, and Christianity who would make it public. For WHO would be outraged or seriously offended at idea that it's totally impossible for hitlery's election except by election fraud (a), and (b) that it would absolutely justify the taking-up of arms by citizenry?--think about it.

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