Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Mr. Goody lies (again): for there's not "too little truth," no; Mr. Goody just has too little HONESTY, that's all....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Has Too Little HONESTY
(Apollonian, 28 Sep 16)

So u see, Mr. Goody: the very title of ur stupid blog is a lie, "...Not Enough Truth"--there's PLENTY of truth, sucker; u just don't want to face-up to it, that's all. And it demonstrates once again, pretended "good" and moralism is worst enemy of truth. Observe how u mis-represent the truth and evade the truth--all in name of "good" and moralism.

U evade truth about 9/11.
U evade truth about ur moralism.
U evade truth about Satanism and subjectivism.
And of course, u evade truth about ur precious Jews, most directly responsible for 9/11.

So u see, Mr. Goody, how ur putrid moralism sucks and leads to "Decline of the West" and all the horrible consequences of a degenerate culture sinking in ur sort of hubris founded in inferiority-complex.

"Not enough truth"?--no, Mr. Goody: for u, there's just not enough HONESTY, buddy, that's ur problem. For ur sort of "good" is built upon LIES and subjectivism, buddy, what u don't want to face.

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