Sunday, June 12, 2016

JR judges Christianity by actions of Christians?--so does he do same for satanism & anti-Christianity?....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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Does JR Understand Anti-Christianity & satanism By Observing Anti-Christs, et al.?
(Apollonian, 12 Jun 16)

So what, JR: u're a anthropologist who observes Christians? (see below-copied by JR)--a Christian anthropologist?--ho oho oho ho ho ho. But how could u judge Christians upon Christianity UNLESS u understood something about Christianity, the real thing (in the literature) itself?

And how then are we to judge anti-Christianity, unless we judge anti-Christ like u, JR?--a willing dupe of satanism, eh?

Thus u admit u don't understand Christianity by what it is in accord w. the literature, the philosophy, the basic source. It would be like trying to understand Homer by "actions" of random Greeks u might observe, eh?

And HOW would u know who are Christians?--merely by those who say so? U pretend u're "American," but u're obviously anti-American, as u're so insanely, obsessionately anti-Christ, aren't u? "American" is actually just ur cover for anti-Christianity, and really, anti-Americanism.

U invoke Jefferson, but can't figure-out Jefferson endorsed Christian culture. U endorse "law" and B. of Rights without grasping the Christian cultural basis upon which they rest.

And ultimately, one judges the culture and its history, Western culture the manifestation of the Christian-founded culture. B. of Rights was/is thus product of Christians and Christian culture.

So therefore, u try to judge Christians by means of humanity, or anthropology (pretending u understand anthropology). So we understand humanity, "SINNERS," according to Christianity. Question then is how "sin" actually takes place--we see hubris, as in ur case, and we KNOW Christianity abhors hubris.

And we see finally, JR, what a liar u are--u hate Christianity in accord w. ur insane nature, filled w. hubris, pretending u're "good," hypocritically pretending u know all about non-existent "good-evil."

Thus u actually just confirm my description of u JR; u knock Christianity and lie about it, and ur excuse is, "gee, but this is how so-called 'Christians' act," u being selective for what "acts" u observe, of course.

Note then JR: we Christians judge anti-Christianity by anti-Christs like u, eh? What's good for "goose" being good also for proverbial "gander."

And we see how anti-Christians like u lend urself to HUBRIS and manipulation by SATANISTS (extreme subjectivists) who now rule and dominate the culture and people of the world, don't we?

So I'd say u LIE (again), and DON'T try understanding Christianity--proven by ur gross lack of understanding of Christian literature.

So tell us JR: do u understand anti-Christianity by observing anti-Christs and satanists?--I do. For u may not be satanist, but u're un-questionably anti-Christ dupe thereto, as I've always noted.

--------------above essays by ap in response to below-copied by JR-----------

Anonymous Jun 12, 2016, 10:24:00 AM

I try to understand Christianity by the actions of Christians.


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