Friday, June 17, 2016

How does satanism prosper and succeed?--w. over-populated moralists, dupes, and self-righteous scum, as we see....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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JR's Blog At Least Demonstrates Workings Of Dupes' Psychosis, Illogic
(Apollonian, 17 Jun 16)

"Oh well - the rest of us will have to lead the way to peace." -JR fm above, Jun 14, 2016, 8:44:00 AM

Sure fire sign of psychotic morons is like above fm JR, pretending something is possible (such world "peace") which has never happened and will never happen, for humans are sinners, always have been, always will be. Life is war and struggle, as Darwin, and many others have reminded throughout hist.

So the self-righteous piece-of-**** lives in la-la land, a legend within his own mind, wherein he's "good," which "good" he cannot define (in sound and substantial manner), above everyone else who he assures us are "hypocrites."

JR compares himself w. Ghandi and knocks Christianity, which he knows nothing about, pretending he's "American."

Such then is "American's Journey," a self-serving exercise and indulgence in self-delusion--a joke which only JR himself cannot figure-out.

The stupid puke triumphantly tells us he "judges by actions," but doesn't say how that tells about Christianity or Christians if he knows nothing about Christianity in first place--and he just ignores that little detail, like the little bitch of a girl he so often acts.

Thus we see the sort of self-righteous little ****s who are the willing dupes and useful idiots for the satanists who run things, working for world gov. and Agenda-21 genocide.

So at least "American's Journey" shows us the sort of mentality (and inferiority-complex) that effects and props satanism--making use of moralism as excuse for the massive and necessary illogic which takes place, moralism so often the worst enemy of truth.

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