Monday, December 28, 2015

JR reveals his inner demons, conflict btwn law and his delusions regarding religion....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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JR Needs To Dealing With His Anti-Christ Devils And Delusions Within
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 15)

It's interesting to see how u react (see below-copied) to ur being exposed for the lies u speak about USA, Christianity, and now law. So u just rush past the subject regarding ur lies about USA and "religion," as u have new lies to tell.

"Religion always leads to bad places"?--false--but very interesting we get this new lie fm u, eh?

USA is product of the Christian culture of the West--and it's hard to see how this can be denied, yet u seem to be determined to strive to doing just that.

And WHAT is it really, we're "after"?--it's a good question, good subject to think about. Thus humanity works for the rational, ordered society, capable of production of food, etc.

Thus the Christian religion provided the basis of society, including the legal system, and we see it fm history beginning in the Roman empire.

And (civil) law then is an outer sort of layer to the social system, but which law breaks down as the social system breaks down, as we see fm the Roman and now in the American. How did this break-down happen?

And if one wishes war and hate?--like war upon and hatred of Mooooslims?--how did that happen?--and it was a great combination of factors, but this (present) war is and was catalyzed best and most by Jews--Jews did all the terror, even before 9/11, and through it all, Jews were encouraged by the Judeo-Christians, Jews' little helpers fm among the goyim.

"Enforcing religion"?--hmmmmm, I actually think this can be done, but let's set that aside and consider this absurd notion of "peace" u present.

For if u understand reality and Western culture (which u don't as u seem to be such an alien), u see that human existence has always been understood as one of warfare, beginning w. Homer and continuing through Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Darwin, to naming just a few.

The great effort of humanity and culture was to prevail in the constant warfare so as to snatching some peace out of it. Law among humans then sought to preserve whatever peace that was won so briefly--as for the Romans, and so it's been for a couple thousand yrs.

Law also was understood for the basic relation among things, including physics, and so the natural law was studied, and the Romans integrated the civil law w. the natural law they learned fm the Greeks.

But as humans are hubristic, as fm the Greeks, and sinners, which philosophy the Christians carried on, we see that law is always under-cut, as by criminals who institute such as central-banking (legalized COUNTERFEITING) and the general tyranny as we see presently seeking to expand to world gov.

Thus the civil law, and even the natural law (or the understanding of it) is corrupted by these clever criminals when they can, esp. as the civilization breaks-down.

Thus we see how fragile and flimsy is LAW, esp. the civil law understanding, though the natural law is simpler, and stands-up better.

Thus we see ur basic problem as u don't see the real and proper relation btwn the religious foundation of the society, esp. for that rational component, and then the civil law administration which is external and dependent.

U seem to be fixated upon some necessary CONFLICT btwn what u call "religion" and the civil LAW. But that's not anyone's fault but ur own, is it?

So we see u're sooooo miserably mis-conceived and conflicted for ur notions of "religion" and LAW, (a), and (b) peace, war, and hate--but that's no one's fault but urs, also, right?

Regardless, fact remains about present Jew S A that it's caught-up in hubris, subjectivism, and irrationality, hence the break-down of law-and-order, and it's getting worse as Spenglerian "Decline of the West" continues.

And law-and-order will only be re-constituted when and if the Christian foundation and ideals are restored, hence anti-semitism and anti-satanism--contrary to ur anti-Christian corruption and delusions. And I don't think it will be easy for this Christian restoration, but it's only hope. For cultural stability, prosperity, and law depend upon that Christian foundation.

There's a gross, horrific anti-Christ devil in u, JR, and u need to dealing w. it before u can pretend to being American, buddy--that's all there is to it--it's UR PROBLEM, and it's NOT our fault.

LAW, properly understood, is entirely a matter of religion and the Christian cultural foundation, and NOT separate fm it. The great cultural conflict is btwn Christian reason, hence objectivity, vs. satanic hubris, hence subjectivism led by Jews, but including also anti-Christ dupes of Jews, like u, we see--but that's not our fault, buddy--get a clue.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Anonymous Dec 28, 2015, 7:37:00 AM


you do a great job pointing out that religion always leads to bad places. A great reason to stick with LAW - a set of rules we can all live by.

How are you going to enforce religion? You cannot. That's why you are always better off with LAW if it is peace you are after.

If you wish war and hate religion is a great place to start.

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