Saturday, December 26, 2015

It isn't just Tracy or "truthers"--it's all humanity against great satanistic beast....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Humanity Is Up Against The Great satanist Beast, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 15)

Hello Dr. Eowyn: I think u've always done great work, BUT u gotta realize what's behind all this, Sandy hoax, 9/11, JFK assassination, etc., which is the topmost criminal enterprise, of all possible criminal conspiracies or networks, legalized COUNTERFEITING of central-banking and what is called US Federal Reserve Bank, a privately-owned corp., which now holds legal MONOPOLY for issuing of credit, hence eventual creation of all/any currency (not "money," which must be commodity, hence gold/silver). Best expo for central-banking is at, also

Observe the crux to this criminal enterprise of central-banking is the ABSTRACT nature, meaning, definition, etc. of what we call "MONEY"--people have the greatest difficulty figuring-out what this "money" really is and must be, and WHY--it's got to be limited/finite and have its own, "intrinsic" value, but again, ck for best, fullest expo.

Ultimately, human quandary gets down to nature of reality--is it objective (Aristotle)?--or not (Plato, subjectivism). People have greatest difficulty w. this simple metaphysical issue and always have. Thus we have religion which is the resort of most folks who can't handle the metaphysical issues.

So I conclude we humans now are facing a great, co-ordinated, highly-organized, satanistic criminal conspiracy which takes advantage of people's natural inability to grasp these basic issues, as regarding nature of money or reality itself. Great problem is due to recent, but now past and gone, economic "prosperity," there's now HUGE over-population of these weaklings and inferiors who have no adequate answer to what is money, what is reality, and these weaklings are now to be HARVESTED by the great "grim reaper." Problem is these weaklings will be USED by the satanists as soldiers and enforcers against the relatively few remaining truth-tellers.

And things cultural are being brought to a head economically by up-coming and on-going currency-collapse, US Dollar to lose much if not MOST of its present value, "petro-dollar" to be going way of the dinosaurs.

What's "solution"?--is there "solution" to these cultural and economic problems?--it won't be easy, and note the weaklings MUST "fall" by proverbial "wayside"--it's got to happen in inexorable CYCLIC history of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. But "money" must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and individual freedom in accord w. natural rights of original American founders must have consent of people, hence based upon primacy of LOCAL GOV. and "states-rights"--against the present "big-brother" fascist dictatorship fueled by central-banking and fiat-currency, not real money.

------------------below-copied in response to above by ap----------------

Doreen Agostino | December 26, 2015 at 6:13 pm | Reply

A proposed solution from Judge Anna von Reitz Alaska State Superior Court land jurisdiction for living humans.

-----------------------below by ap in response to above-----------------------

Buying-Power Of Money Rises
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 15)

I ck'd ur link and the fallacy, among any others I didn't detect, to her argument/understanding of money (according to Austrian theory, in any event, as at is her contention (pt. 6) there's "not enough gold"--THIS IS FALSE.

For note real "money" must also serve as store-of-value, so that it can be "saved," as for a "rainy-day." So as and if real money is taken-out of circulation, the amount of goods and svcs remaining the same, the only thing that happens to the remaining gold and money in circulation is ITS BUYING-POWER GOES UP UP UP.

As buying-power goes up, it serves as incentive to spend it back into economy/circulation. For amount of real money must remain STABLE--otherwise u get "inflation"--which is the problem now, soon to be HYPER-inflation, total destruction of the currency. Again, see my ref. to for fuller expo.

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