Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"Hannukah": Feeble excuse for Jew, satanic upstaging of Christmas....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Hannukah: Pale Reminder Of Israelite Glory
(Apollonian, 6 Dec 15)

Yes, I get it about Hannukah: it's mere pretext of these satanists called Jews to up-stage the stupid Christian goyim--that's the main purpose. But Hannukah is no great thing for the Jews themselves.

For of course, Hannukah itself doesn't mean too darn much in way of glory as it merely commemorates a bunch of Jew chieftans and bosses who were able to haggle and finagle a kind of fiefdom in btwn Egypt and Syria and w. help of Romans.

And this Hasmonean "dynasty" was itself mere shaky interlude before the disaster of the first cent. AD and then disastrous Bar Kochba rebellion which removed the Jews definitively fm Palestine for centuries--nearly two millennia, in pt. of fact.

So the Jews on the one hand want to up-hold the Holyday, "Hannukah," but they don't want the Christians or gentiles to look too closely at it as it's so lacking in grandeur, actually just a shadowy reminder of the old, fading Judean presence in Palestine.

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