Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Edjumacated moron is given expo on place of Jews in present "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Stevie, Edjumacated Moron Impressed, Bedazzled By Foremost Criminals, Satanists, Kikes, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 7 Dec 15)

The phenomenon (see below-copied) is easily explained and understood--as it has been quite well throughout history. Only the morons among the lower-levels of society fail to grasp the process, like our psychotic schizoid shill, here, "stevie" the "neuro-scientist."

(a) Jews are foremost subjectivists and satanists and hence dominate in a declining culture which is now captured by criminal conspirators of central-banking (see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank).

(b) So as topmost criminals who've captured the culture, who literally just (legally) COUNTERFEIT all the currency (not "money") they want, for practical purposes, they (Jews) own all the corp.s, politicians, judges, etc.--everything and everybody, including the Jews-media and edjumacation which turns out half-baked, edjumacated morons, like "stevie."

(c) So the phenomenon is perfectly well explained, Jew criminals and master-minds, controlling everything, essentially award themselves all the Nobel prizes, ho ho ho hooo, and befuddled, bedazzled, and deluded morons like "stevie," well-edjumacated, ho ho ho ho, is actually fooled by his idols, the kikes, ho ho ho ho

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

Steve12 December 7, 2015 at 8:24 PM

Did you know that .02% of the world's population is Jewish, yet 20% (!) of the Nobel Prizes have been won by Jews?

That's amazing! I'm always impressed with the level of achievement that the Jewish people have maintained to spite the challenges they've faced.

-------------------below-copied in response to above, top by ap----------------

Steve12 December 7, 2015 at 8:52 PM

I just think the Jewish culture is an amazing one. Obviously the scientific achievement I mentioned above is remarkable.

But lets not forget about the artistic achievement - great composers, comedians, writers. I was always a big Saul Bellow fan, and I think that he captured a lot of the Jewish-American experience in a really witty yet poignant way.

And all this despite the pogroms, the Holocaust, and the anti-Semtism that dogs them to this day

Truly a gift to all mankind.

------------------Below in response to above-------------------------

Jews Depend Upon Over-Populated Goyim Fools, Suckers, Weaklings
(Apollonian, 7 Dec 15)

Jew filth are the curse of humanity, Jews foremost liars and "sons of [their] father, satan, the devil" (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

U're just a befuddled, brainless, and AMAZINGLY IGNORANT moron, psycho schizoid, queer psychopath, stevie, and if u really understood kike culture, u'd know something about Jew Talmud which is simply a war-plan/strategy against the rest of human-kind, Jews holding it ok to murder gentiles, etc. See and, also

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