Monday, November 9, 2015

satanic cultural complex will always defend (a) Jews, (b) subjectivism, (c) esp. in form of "good-evil"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Proper Analysis Of General Fraud Complex, For Which Fetzer Fails Miserably
(Apollonian, 9 Nov 15)

Interesting that Fetzer simply repeats (again) a posting on the Sandy hoax and the book he now has on it, but the important thing is to considering Sandy hoax for the sheer enormity of necessary implications. Truly, tremendous resources were and still are committed to this hoax and the necessarily larger complex to which it (Sandy hoax) is mere part.

For there have been similar hoaxes which include the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013 and the numerous other fake "shootings," like Charleston, SC, "Eliot Roger," and recent Virginia shooting by Vester Flanagan, among many others too.

It's alleged in above comment, November 8, 2015 at 10:28 AM, that 9/11 is "mother of all hoaxes," but even this 9/11 is mere instance within a larger complex. And as I've noted, analyzing this large criminal complex is where Fetzer, who's supposed to be philosophical, most egregiously fails.

For the Sandy hoax, no less than all the other hoaxes/frauds, couldn't have been generated without truly TREMENDOUS funding/financing which works to bribing and then extorting all the numerous "players" involved which include, as we know, the police, school officials, other bureaucrats, state, local, and federal, politicians and judges.

Thus we come to the REAL "mother of all hoaxes," the central-banking criminal enterprise, US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING (see and for expo)--about which Fetzer says practically NOTHING--why is this?

Then, along w. central-banking, we have the Jew issue, the world-gov. issue, including "pop.-reduction" according to "Agenda-21," and then the under-lying psychology/mentality which fuels this horrific corruption, the general SATANISM consisting of extreme subjectivism and hubris, by which we get the false God complex--Fetzer has nothing to say about this larger complex of which Sandy hoax, 9/11, and JFK, among the others, are mere parts.

Thus we see the general, prevailing satanism, maintaining the general confusion among the people by all the various means, Fetzer, for one, supposed philosophical, failing and incapable of doing his basic job for putting things in proper context and perspective. And as long as this cultural confusion continues to prevail ZOG will remain supreme, continuing to mass-murder the people.

Unfortunately, we see now, the people will continue to die-out, and as the stock of slaves reduces, maybe it's only this which will induce the topmost masterminds to begin falling-out among one another, fighting, and ONLY this falling-out among top masterminds allowing then any hope for survival for the victimized people.

Key then to survival is seeing, if nothing else, the overwhelming, prevailing satanism, rampant and raging, consuming and overcoming all. Who are the leaders of this satanism?--Jews, obviously, as they're FAR more "organized" and connected than the idiot, individualized, gentile satanists, even though gentiles out-number Jews, so far.

And so we see the KEY to analyzing this great struggle against satanism: like Alex Jones (, satanists will always defend Jews insisting there are "good" Jews, playing "good Jew vs. bad Jew" game, as if "zionists" are any essentially diff. fm Talmudists (see, as if there are "good" Jews like there are "good" psychopaths, etc.

Further, note the satanists will defend the very basis of satanism, HUBRIS, the idea one can change and/or create reality in God-like fashion, achieving "good"--Pharisaism, which is taught to the little kids, insisting they must be "good" (obedient), as opposed to non-existent "evil" (dis-obedient) which is to be accomplished by means of will--HUBRIS, again.

Thus the danger that Fetzer represents is that despite his exposing the Sandy hoax, yet he continues to fail for larger analysis of the satanic complex, including especially the central-banking fraud, then the philosophic/ethical roots of that satanism, pretending there are "good" Jews, etc.

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