Friday, November 6, 2015

People refusing to face-up to Jew problem merely help the large cultural satanic problem grow....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR Covers Details Fairly Well, But Fails For Conclusion
(Apollonian, 6 Nov 15)

"They are weak-minded people who will make things worse since they are unable to face reality for what it really is." [See above citation.]

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Of course u're right, JR, for ur above quote, as well as ur last 3 paragraphs. But how are they diff. fm u, refusing to face-up to the Jew-satanic problem?

For Jews are leaders of the satanic culture which satanism is expanding, JR, just as u indicate in ur expo--BUT u want to blame Christianity?

And don't forget: satanism is making oneself God, by definition, hence extreme subjectivism whence one's view of reality IS REALITY. Thus the selective prosecutions of the top criminals, the big-banks too big to fail, hitlery Clinton getting away w. breaking laws, one tenth of which such law-breaking of nat. security laws were used against so many others NOT favored by powers.

The secret to Jews' success?--they act collectivistically, most organized and united, for their subjectivism, JR, the stupid gentiles being more "individualist"--which "individualism" doesn't work so well for criminals, if u notice.

That's what u're not picking-up on, I submit--the more general cultural subjectivism/satanism which under-lies the actual politics and economics.

For after this general satanism, which is general and abstract, u get to the most practical thing working, the central-banking, US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING scam which (a) necessarily controls everything else, all the politicians and judges being bought, bribed, and extorted, (b) and which is, obviously, a huge, gigantic, all-powerful MONOPOLY.

Thus as this (money-banking) monopoly absolutely rules/controls, it imposes a distinct dictatorship, styled SOCIALISTIC--because this socialism/welfarism sells the best among the goons, fools, morons, and suckers--there's a distinct moralistic flavor to it, u see, socialism, reputed then to being anti-capitalist.

So I think u note well enough the details, but FAIL to see the overall general satanism, this always led, manipulated, and controlled by Jews. Jews are criminals by their filthy Talmudic religion, including even the "non-religious" Jews by race, and that culture does not thrive when it tolerates Jews--which simple fact u don't want to face-up to.

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