Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Jew S A is now in FATAL, CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West" due to subjectivism now become extreme--hence outright satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Suffers Same Basic Malady As So Many Others--Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 18 Nov 15)

This is interesting entry u've made here, JR; seems to be two general sections to it on diff. topics, the top on prop. and buzz-word(s) like "consp. theory," and the bottom more on Pres. election. U also need to get away fm that roach infestation--u've been complaining about that for LONG time now, buddy.

Otherwise, getting back to ur topics, note U'RE integral part of the problem, as I've said before--why then do u grudge others for their own incompetence?--u're no better, committing very same sin.

For history is CYCLIC, and we're in "Decline of the West," the people, including u, mired in HUBRIS and subjectivism, this subjectivism now having become EXTREME and "critical," having turned into satanism. I don't say u urself are satanist, but u harbor the basic germ of it, subjectivism, pretending to "moralism" of "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will--ur basic flaw, error, fallacy.

It's now for West much like the old Roman empire, the volk soooo corrupt, mired in hubris, and esp. in subjectivism, they're not capable of dealing w. the real problem--subjectivism at root, but specifically the satanism which is now definitively in control.

U also ignore history, JR, and that's fatal, buddy--u overlook our dear Christianity was precisely what fended-off that extreme subjectivism and satanism--esp. in way of hatred of and aversion to Jews. Nowadays, the real, anti-semitic Christianity is forgotten, while otherwise the conventional "Christianity," controlled by Jews, is understood as mere version/variant of that putrid Judaism.

U refuse to face reality: the West THRIVED long as we hated and persecuted kikes, see?--and when, at French Rev., Jews were "legalized," so to speak, that's when West began its horrific "decline," according to Spengler's theory (though, to be sure, Spengler doesn't single-out Jews as I do--Spengler's great grandmother was Jew by race).

For Jews are FOREMOST subjectivists/satanists, see, as I continue to note, but which u insist on ignoring--WHICH IS FATAL. And sociologic problem is MOST PEOPLE ARE LIKE U, JR--they ignore reality, especially essential aspects of that reality--u're no diff., no better than these poor folks u like to criticize.

So what's gonna happen?--same as Roman instance, JR, and the only thing to possibly save things is a similar revival of that original Christian revolution, including hatred of Jews--whom, unfortunately, u prefer to worship, though it does u no good--U'RE THE PROBLEM, JR, even if u're not necessarily same mindless sort of subjectivist as so many others are--esp. the homosexuals.

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