Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hubris, subjectivism has now gone "critical" and become outright satanism--this is what's taken place now, quite plainly....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Morons And Traitors MUST Check-In With Usual Stupidity, But There Will Be Consequences
(Apollonian, 18 Nov 15)

Just another scummy piece-of-**** puke (see below-copied) who imagines there are good kikes, evidently, ho ho ho ho--these scummy traitors are actually primary problem, u see.

What's purpose? the scum asks in all mock-seriousness, typical of puke like her. And the answer is radical doses of Christian TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, put emphatically and dramatically, tolerating none of the typical idiot, Jew-serving nonsense. Christianity IS anti-satanism, hence anti-semitism (as Gosp. JOHN 8:44), suckers--get a clue to save ur miserable, sinful existences u call "lives," morons. Judaism = satanism (see

For before we get to the kikes at the top, u see, FIRST we must remove their "Praetorian Guard," these being mainly the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and heretics on the pretend "right," by far most numerous of their "allies," and then maybe the typical moron "liberal advanced-thinkers" on the "left," like the moron, just above [here, below].

Ho ho ho--and observe the puke imagines she's one of the "thoughtful respondents," ho ho ho ho ho--perfect picture of the cultural/sociologic hubris and problem.

For ask urselves: is apsterian expo truly "pretty brilliant subterfuge"?--so what then is it to be subverted ("subterfuged")?--what else could it be but the IRONCLAD GRIP AND STRANGLE-HOLD of Jews and their subjectivism, which has now gone "critical" and become EXTREME subjectivism--outright SATANISM--the psychopathic war against people and culture having advanced to blatant creation of ISIS, for example, causing horrific mayhem in Syria, causing literal invasion by "refugees" of Western nations for purpose of destruction of national sovereignty and advance of world dictatorship working for pop. reduction?

Moronic, putrid, Jew-tolerating scum need be placed on notice they're traitors and there's GRIM penalty for such treason--this is where we are now, and people need getting a clue, as I noted.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Activist Angel November 18, 2015 at 4:16 PM

It really is fun to see Dr. Fetzer use knowledge and reason in such a patient manner. That's why he is a professor and I am merely a student.
Then the dichotomy happens! I read another terrific article by James, and then am sucked in to these comments!
They are somewhat entertaining, and they certainly are a glowing testimony to Dr. Fetzer's tolerance and inclusion of "disparate" ideas. But what a difference.
Apsterian has got to be one of the most .... I can't find a word.
Ho ho ho? Calling everyone names.
What is his purpose here? Is he really hasbara? If so it's pretty brilliant subterfuge. What in the world inspires this seeming madman to spend his time on this comment section? To drown out or scare away thoughtful respondents and scholars?
In any case, fun to be reading James with all of you.

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