Tuesday, September 8, 2015

satanism: people need to face-up to what it is, extreme subjectivism, justified by Pharisaism, the pretext being moralism, Pelagian heresy (non-existent, presumptuous "good-evil")....

Below-copied first submitted at comments,

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JR: His Own Worst Enemy, Evidently
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 15)

Can't u figure-out (see below-copied), realize, wake-up to, and face the simple fact US Federal Reserve Bank is literally legalized COUNTERFEITING?--and it's a monopoly, privately owned by the large commercial banks? Therefore they must own and control EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY, literally--it's only matter of printing-up and digitalizing enough currency to MONOPOLIZING EVERYTHING--including the corp. mass-media--buying everything up--with "currency" they just print-up (and digitalize)--get it?

Can't u figure this (fore-going) out? The "media" does and says what it does because it's controlled by these monopolist bankers who just print-up (and digitalize) all the money they need to buying up everything and everybody.

"Fatalism," as u express and describe it above is just a looser grasp/understanding of the same "determinism" that I describe, the technical philosophic term for absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will.

So look, JR--WHAT ARE U COMPLAINING ABOUT?--when u ENDORSE precisely what it is u complain about in ur topic blog article--u're a subjectivist, ANYTHING GOES. So when hitlery Clinton invokes her own understanding/"interpretation" of the law, u have no real basis of complaint, do u?--for she's a subjectivist no less than u, right?

U can't and won't figure-out u're ur own worst enemy--the very problem u complain about--a subjectivist who endorses the very principle, subjectivism, which causes what u complain of.

Maybe u're not out-right satanist, but u endorse the basic principle which leads to it, subjectivism--why?--because, as u explain and describe, above, u want to insist u're God-like for ur ability to change reality--HUBRIS, by definition. "Good" is the very worst enemy, among all the lies, of truth (= Christ).

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Anonymous Sep 8, 2015, 1:43:00 PM


"Fatalism" - at least the way I've understood it is that things sort of "play out" and we cannot control outcomes. That is what all the Bible folks have been telling us since I was a kid - that today really is the end of the world - this time.

I am of the belief that events can be shaped and that by working toward things they can be achieved - one such a goal could be away from this death-worshipping culture and back to one that celebrates life.

The "zombies" and such are clues that there are "Satanist" influences at work in our culture and have been at work for some time. Satanism, appears to me at least, to be another belief system. I don't like it at all - it is such a negative, painful, dreadful and unhappy way to live.

Satanism is a defeatist attitude where we simply give up, surrender before putting up a fight - or even trying to make things better. Satanism is for quitters and failures. I cannot be one of them.

I DO think that taking a positive approach where we celebrate life and abundance is our intended role since that is what works best for most people and for individuals.

Rather than looking at population growth as a negative as would be the Satanistic way - and proposing methods to put limits on it - the positive approach - and I think the more valuable for humanity and individuals is to recognize the value and potential in each and every human life. Every life has the potential to provide even more abundance that can overtake the short-sighted viewpoint of the Satanistic culture (if we are to look at things that way for the sake of discussion) where we just give up and proclaim "there are too many people."

It is up to us to determine where to focus our energies in this society. Right now the money pours into military technology while people starve. The answer you will hear from people masquerading as adults is "wars are good - they keep the population down" etc...

Again - I do believe that a breakup of the media or at least a push to subsidize a media would do wonders for our nation, our culture, and all of us as individuals. EVen if it didn't last that long - the good that could come from even a short span of open ness in this culture could produce big dividends.

But for now the media remains the corporate and control success it has been for our masters- the main tool used for the domination of the human mind and spirit here in "the land of the free"


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