Monday, September 7, 2015

satanism: another description for how it arises, what can be done--a CYCLIC problem and phenomenon....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Successful Revolution Requires Plan, Which Requires Analysis, Observation
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 15)

Well JR, I must say I feel like I must sympathize w. u for ur observations and complaining.  One of the problems is lack of a clear enemy to blame in minds of so many of the goons--too many of them go along w. the lies to effect it was the moooooooooslims who did it all--they're the ones who have no problem w. torture.

So u see, things have to get really bad before enough people decide to doing something--lots of goons have to die-out.  So what has to be done for the present is the setting-up for things when people begin to start for deciding what they want to do.

One thing guaranteed is US Dollar is going to lose about 50% of its value within very short time fm now--that means prices on avg. are going to double, and that's just for starters.  China is dumping US securities, about a $100 billion last month.

One step in necessary direction is what the real perpetrators will call "scape-goating"--who (or what) to blame?--what's cause of all this corruption?  I already explained to u about the CYCLIC historic trend, numerous times, how it happens, what's at play.  But here, this time, I'll simply pt. out ur own observations: people are being deliberately killed and made sick w. fluoride in water, as u noted, toxic vaccines, and GMO foods, among other things.  So isn't this sort of deliberate, slow-motion -type mass murder accurately characterized as "satanism"?

The weak people, of body and mind, are always first victimized, and it's happening, but still lots of folks don't want to admit the truth and reality of things--for whatever reason(s).

So then what's good, working, practical, and accurate definition/understanding of satanism?--it's idea that all reality/truth issues fm one's own mind/consciousness--extreme subjectivism--thus hubris and denial of an objective reality, thus making oneself God.  Note then this isn't a MYSTICAL definition or understanding; rather, it's quite practical.

Further, note this satanism is actually quite discernible within the culture, esp. in "hip-hop" and other music, and it's in other entertainment too, movies, even "professional" wrestling--and which has been noted and observed by numerous people, their commentaries upon it actually up on You-tube.

So how does this satanism begin?--well, extreme subjectivism begins w. moderate subjectivism, doesn't it?--the idea of "good-evil," which is totally subjective, yet introduced to the young people at early age as means of inducing obedience.  Thus "good" really means obedience; "bad" is dis-obedience.

Thus MOST people continue to entertain this "good-evil" delusion and MYSTICISM throughout their lives, and it's this "good-evil" delusion which allows the top satanists to RULE--especially once they establish such as US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING which definitively gives them preponderant, and soon after that, ABSOLUTE power, allowing them to buy and own all politicians, judges, and Church officials, for examples.

And again, JR, I emphasize it's a CYCLIC phenomenon, for the COUNTERFEITING scam can't go on forever, and when it collapses, the entire economy and culture often go with it.  And if the culture can be revived, then it must do so in opposition to that subjectivism/satanism which caused the problems in the first place.

Remember then the original inspiration of Christ was worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) w. the implicit OBJECTIVE reality under-lying, providing the necessary criterion/basis for such truth.

And we see then the ironic fact that WORST enemy of truth (aside fm lies in general) is that pretended "good"--which was actually known to the early Church Fathers (St. Augustine) as Pelagian heresy.

So I'll leave the analysis of the problem here.  I could go on, as I have before, for more specific observations, but perhaps it would be good to just set-down basic principles and notations, at present.

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