Monday, March 9, 2015

The way things line up, according to the "poles" of phil., objectivity, subjectivism, and the CYCLIC nature and phase of things....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Objective Vs. Subjective Views Of World And The CYCLIC Character Of Things Political And Cultural
(Apollonian, 9 Mar 15)

At any rate, now u see how people are or can be understood for basic thought-patterns: (a) subjectivists, beginning w. those who are thorough-going subjectivists--satanists and Jews, then such as urself, a "moralist" who seriously believes in "good-evil," though u probably wouldn't call urself satanist--u even shy fm "subjectivist."

(b) And then there are those of us who believe strictly in the objective, hence determined world, w. no perfectly "free" human will, and no "good-evil," ethics then mere logic btwn ends and means, as it's always and properly been understood to being, in the scientific fashion.

And u see thus, there are very few people who grasp things according to such strict philosophy, but people rather "gravitate" btwn the two "poles," so to speak, objective vs. subjective, Jews prevailing for strict numbers, though again there are very few outright satanists, esp. among gentiles (it would seem).

Christianity, naturally, tends much towards the strict objective, though again, far too few people understand and grasp things in such strict terms. But I adopt such Christianity as means of opposing Jews and satanists.

In politics there's a similar division, the "liberals" usually and generally understood as moralists and Jew-friendly, the "conservatives" usually understood as more Christian-oriented or -sympathizing.

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