Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Is "Flying tiger" counter-part "artist" as Mr. POS?....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Is Flying Tiger No Better "Artist" Than Mr. POS?
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 15)

Good gravy, tiger, but I'm soooooooooooooooo disappointed w. ur above reply, buddy.  So tell me, are u surprised IN THE LEAST by this criminal scum's "review"?

I understand u don't like muzzies--neither do I, and they should stay in their own lands, having no business in Christian countries, obviously--but this goes also for Jews and queers, as I've noted.

Our piece-of-shit puke "reviewer," however, paid murderer and thug as he is, totally over-looks obvious fact we have no business in Iraq, that the illegal war there only HELPs kikes destroy our own Christian lands--an inconvenient fact u ought to begin to consider.

Tiger, did u know ISIS, as well as the preceding "al Qaeda" are TOTAL creations of ZOG (CIA, MOSSAD, MI6, Saudis and Pakis)?--which did 9/11, as well as ALL "terrorism"?

U gotta hit at the core essence of our problemos, I say--and that's satanism, subjectivism, and Jews, these including the suck-alongs among the goyim who support them, esp. the "Judeo-Christian" (JC) filth who most support and enable kikes.  And this piece-of-shit thug is right in there for the JCs, foremost supporters of kikes, creators of all/any muzzy problem the West has.  U've FAILED sadly, I say, for proper analysis of things.

Tiger: do u realize among the lowest filth we have in our society today are bully cops?--which is precisely what the piece-of-shit obviously was--who surely felt sooooooooooooo guilty about it all, and was perhaps about to be fired for criminal acts, that he then went and signed-up to be a grunt enforcer, as in Iraq/Afgan so as to come-back now and tell his stupid, ZOG-serving war-stories?--u never considered that, eh?

Unless u can sort-out this analysis of mine which I give here, I submit u FAIL miserably as artist/thinker/analyst for things cultural, and u remain mere scrivener and hack, not a real artist at all, worthy of the name.  I think even geekritique would quail to support filthy scummy puke like our piece-of-shit u feature as "reviewer" for this blog, buddy.  U should be ashamed, but u probably just shrug it off.

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