Monday, December 1, 2014

satanists, ZOG working feverishly, even desperately--BUT still--enough folks do know what's really going on....

ZOG Desperately, Furiously Fanning Flames Of Diversion, Confusion
(Apollonian, 2 Dec 14)

There's no doubt about it: Jew-led satanists are actively and definitively moving against USA and Christian people--ck this latest story,, all these sort of stories working to exacerbate racial tensions--what a production by ZOG.

Then, of course, there's the other material regarding ZOG-supplied and -sponsored ISIS/ISIL, Ukraine, the illegal alien invasion, and the un-Constitutional "executive actions" taken by Obola, and including the Sandy Hook hoax, latest interesting incident the U-tube banning of a great vid, "We Need To Talk . . . ."

And the Jew World Order is behind it, this anti-American, anti-Christ conspiracy, every bit, all the way, without any question, and lots of people know it, too.

So only necessity is for Christian soldiers and patriots to continue to preaching that rationalist, anti-semitic Christianity as anchor of unity for patriots--beginning w. Gosp. JOHN, esp. 14:6, Christ = Truth, truth only possible in an objective reality--against Jew lies and subjectivism.

Of course, the Ferguson, Mo., "race-riot," deliberately ginned-up by ZOG helps cover-up Obola's recent illegal executive action, not to mention the failing economy, etc.

Christians thus only need consolidate (psychologically) for that basic Christianity, preaching truth and the objective reality, foundation of reason, then the Constitution and nullification, secession, states-rights, etc.

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