Sunday, November 30, 2014

In order to combat satanism effectively, we need the REAL Christianity as cultural rationality depends upon solid emotional/sentimental base

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Base Of Cultural Rationality Is Necessarily Religion, Emotional/Sentimental Anchor
(Apollonian, 30 Nov 14)

Good gravy, but I actually listened to this mess of rambling and bumbling "discussions"--are there any conclusions to be made fm the numerous out-of-order assertions, statements, and declamations made in the two shows?

Well, in the case of Sean Dix, we see another sad perversion of justice, the entire culture having been captured by the criminals of the central-banking enterprise who print-up the money and hence own everything--which most of the people cannot, for the life of them, figure out, poor fools.

So why should the banks, who own all the corp.s and prosecutors, lawyers, and judges, allow their possessions, like the corp.s, to be brought to court in a suit at law?--gee whiz, but they might lose money, don't u know?

How is it possible to have LAW when the culture and society is owned by criminals who print-up all the money they please in order then to owning everything and everybody?

Don't u see, the Federal Reserve Bank system is a MONOPOLY, by definition, they printing-up and issuing all the money?

So it's criminals against the people, the criminals satanically-inspired to destroying the people--which destruction it looks like they're succeeding in accomplishing--HOW can the people respond in substantial manner?

Note then the people must work to achieve a rationality by which to agree upon a plan of action, BUT this can only be done upon a unity of sentiment and emotion which is the province of RELIGION, most of the people incapable of fully grasping logic and science.

Thus the great religion of Christianity was devised to combat satanic LIES (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), Christianity predicated upon worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH as greatest virtue, along w. HONESTY and integrity of the personality, conscious and subconscious--these virtues the means of achieving that great and Godly happiness.

But we observe, rather, the criminals have captured even this established Christian religion which is now evermore dis-credited.

So it's that basic Christianity which urgently needs resuscitation and revival among the people most of all. And the people need to realize the need for this religious revival in the face of the rising and ascendant satanism (subjectivism and hubris).

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