Monday, November 17, 2014

satanism, which is absolutely RAGING, presently, MUST be destroyed!....

Below-copied by ap first submitted and (briefly, at least) published at comments,

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satanism Must Be Destroyed
(Apollonian, 17 Nov 14)

"Blended"? (see below-copied)--ok, but by what means? "Blending" is precisely what's being done now, in guise of "diversity," it being the very EXCUSE and pretext for satanic dictatorship--ZOG.

And NEWSFLASH: but the Jew race--CRIMINALS--has to go down, down, down in order for the human race to have a chance to flourishing. Judaism--satanism--must be exterminated.

And of course, hist. being CYCLIC, the criminal race and culture--satanism, based on pretext of Judaism--will re-arise. But health and survival of humanity requires Christian reason, anti-semitism, and anti-satanism, obviously, urgently, and necessarily.

-----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------

In the analogy, without blending there would only be pictures made up of the pure colors red, green and blue. For a full spectrum color picture the red, green and blue values yes NEED to be blended.

Yet not totally blended together, because then there would no longer be any pure red, green and blue.

With races it's enough that only a few people have their original race. Over time the percentage in a population of an original race can then go up and down depending of how the members of the population procreate. In this way all races are preserved.


Obvious Problem Is Rampant satanism In-Ur-Face--What's Going To Be Done?
(Apollonian, 17 Nov 14)

Anders (see below-copied): ur ideas lack substance. What do u actually know about "Nazi" Germany?--answer: NOTHING but Jew and Jewwy lies.

And things would be "boring"?--that's what u want to avoid?--ho ho ho ho--guess again, sucka--things could be and are presently lots worse than merely "boring."

U're like a simple-minded child, Anders, who knows very little, yet thinks u know way things should be--u just want to have FUN, eh?--just like a child.

Actually, things would be much better if we could achieve the ORIGINAL American idea--independent states, fully sovereign, only loosely connected within a "Union" of strictly limited powers and gov.--NOT the gross, horrific, mass-murdering dictatorship we have now--which is getting worse.

But what rules?--answer: Jew satanism which is now EXPLICIT in the music vids owned and controlled by Jews. And this satanism is demonstrated in the deliberate perversions of law and mass-murder perpetrated by ZOG.

And observe the satanism is demonstrated in-ur-face, even on this blog, the Jews and satanists shielded, protected, and defended, excuses made for them, and lies told for their benefit.

------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------

Yikes! The guest had extremist ideas. Separate geographic areas for blacks, whites etc? Was he joking? Sounds worse than going back to Nazi Germany.

And the ideas of separate races, think of pixels on a computer screen. It would be boring to have images of only pure red, green and blue pixels. Of course it would be equally boring to have all pixels blended to a uniform gray color. The pixels need to be blended, but not all pixels! In this way the original pixels will be preserved while allowing a whole spectrum of colors at the same time. It's enough to have only some people preserving the original races.

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