Monday, November 17, 2014

Jew liars are always at work lying, deceiving, deliberately confusing, doing the work of satan....

Below-copied by ap first submitted and published (at least briefly) at comments,

Jews always try to confuse things, insisting Christ was "Jew"--no matter that u explain to them "Jew" is not same as Judean, etc.  This Jew, below, just keeps repeating

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Christ: Foremost Anti-semite, Anti-Satanist
(Apollonian, 17 Nov 14)

Brainless people like to repeat same stupid lies, we see (see below-copied).

(a) "Jews" aren't same as Judeans, and (b) Jew, by definition is follower of satanic Talmud, written by Pharisees, Pharisees leaders, by definition, of Jews, who killed Christ (= Truth), truth resurrecting, as always.

Then the brainless liar says Christ was anarchist which is not founded, anarchist being one, by def., who's actively against the state. Brainless one, being brainless gives no citation for Christ's supposed "opposition," it being noted by all that Christ allowed "rendering unto Caesar those things belonging to Caesar."

Fact is that Christ preached the Mosaic law and pt'd out how Pharisees, leaders of Jews, diverged therefrom and lied, etc. (see 23rd Chapt. MATT).

Christ was/is foremost anti-semite as he was/is foremost anti-satanist, all truth be told, whereas Jews are foremost satanists.

Brainless one isn't called brainless for nothing, folks, brainless people, along w. Jews and satanists, insisting reality is what they say it is--BECAUSE they say so. Ho ho ho ho.

----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------

Besides the fact that Christ was, very obviously a jew,[as was Moses and the 12 apostles] - a harsh fact that you try to entirely ignore in your anti-jew rants, the fact is that he was also, very obviously, an opposer of the state [ i.e an anarchist ].

But, I guess, dumb phucks will be dumb phucks, for ever and ever, amen :-)

"Ho, ho, ho."

Regards, onebornfree.

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