Sunday, November 16, 2014

satanism must NOT be tolerated, nor should Judaism or bolshevism--or even welfare statism....

Below-copied essays by ap first submitted and published at comments,

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Judaism Is satanism, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 15 Nov 14)

satanism should not, must not be tolerated--it must be ruthlessly suppressed--and Judaism IS satanism, never doubt--and if u don't know this about Judaism then u're just a child and have no business talking, least of all about adult things like politics, etc.

Soc. security is a fraud--it's just a part of the satanic ZOG establishment. Politicians ALWAYS lie, break promises, etc., using the soc. sec. funds for political, welfare/warfare -state spending, as we see.

A welfare state is mere appendage of imperialism, way of bribing the people to going along w. genocide and fascism. Those who advocate welfare state are fascists, imperialists, and statists--suckers for the satanists.

Charity MUST only be done on individual/private basis, NEVER on part of gov.--for charitable funds are ALWAYS eventually STOLEN for purposes of warfare by the politicians and their friends/sponsors (Jews) who put them into office.

And forcing people to pay for ur charitable schemes is dictatorship and fascism--just the way fascism is covered and masked. U're just not very bright, Anders, I'm sorry to say.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------

@apsterian Religious tolerance is a good thing and necessary for a President. Jesse is a bit libertarian but he also wants social security etc, which I think is a good combination.

------------------------------above by "Anders" in response to below-copied by ap---------------------

Ventura Is No Solution
(Apollonian 15 Nov 14)

Right, but the Jews can finance their own internet campaign (a), and (b) they'll destroy the I-net if they have to w. terror and false-flags--it will happen long as people continue to accept their fiat-money in exchange for goods & svcs.

There is and can be no hope till the fiat-money regime finally collapses--as is happening, to be sure, but who knows how long it will take till the decisive end comes?

Meantime Jews will continue warfare to keeping US Dollar as reserve currency--what will be the final result?--a world seeded w. nuclear destruction, depleted uranium residue contaminating everything?

And don't forget, Jesse Ventura is typical "libertarian" moron--he always expressing his great love and toleration of Jews--he's NO "solution."

------------------------above by ap in response to below----------------------------------------

The guest said that it doesn't matter who is the President. And in practice I think that's fairly accurate, but what about Jesse Ventura for President 2016? That would be pretty interesting. :-) And with the Internet Jesse can launch a huge campaign with very little money!

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