Friday, November 14, 2014

Look out now, big "terror-event" up-coming, satanic ZOG reeling, Obola-care dealt mortal blow--false-flag coming up....

satanic Obola-Care Act Exposed--So, Look-Out, "Terror-Event" Must Come To ZOG's Rescue
(Apollonian, 14 Nov 14)

Well comrades, u've surely hrd now about the satanic professor fm MIT (Massachusetts), Jonathan Gruber, professional liar, who admits to the lies (see which were sold to American people about Obola-care, which was supposed to make medical-care in general more affordable--but to whom?--to those who couldn't afford it as they were poor. 

Thus medical care is GIVEN to the poor, not merely made more affordable, but for everyone else it was made more EXPENSIVE, necessarily--in order to pay for the free care now being given to the "poor."

And, to pay for this care now made "affordable" to the poor, EVERYONE ELSE PAYS, naturally--and this was the tough part, Gruber explains.  For how is something made more "affordable" when the healthy folks--most people--end paying more?--lots more, on average.

Of course, there are other problems too--people are thrown out of work, and those working have had their hrs shortened as employers move to stay exempt fm having to pay for this care.  And there are lots of other things too, like medical records being made public, and the gov. being more involved, the IRS having to hire more bureaucrats to oversee and enforce the law.

Note now who benefited fm the lies: the Insurance corp.s who now (a) sell more insurance to more people, but further (b) consolidate a monopoly over health-care, all w. the help of the satanic gov.

And observe who lied: (a) the politicians who were paid by the lobbyists, as usual, (b) the mass corp. Jews-media.  (c) Note also, it wasn't ONLY the Democrats pushing this horrific mess, but Republicans too--it was a MASSIVE, full-court press to monopolize this large sector of the economy.

Hence now w. all the tremendous attn. being focused on these putrid lies--along w. the disaster of the rising prices for health-care--NOT "more affordable" at all, one can be sure ZOG has a horrific "terror-event" planned and scheduled, don't doubt.

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