Sunday, November 23, 2014

Observe this Lindsey Graham satanic scum--he sucks along w. neo-cons, but do the JCs then also support amnesty for illegal invaders, criminal aliens?....

The Old satanist One-Two, Suckas--Totally Planned: People Must Grasp This Very Real satanism
(Apollonian, 23 Nov 14)

First there was Obola's speech giving amnesty by executive fiat, totally illegal and un-Constitutional (see by the idiot, Pat Buchanan, who then tells us, "but we shouldn't impeach him," the fool, see

Thus the stupid puke of Jew S A are being spat-upon in their stupid face(s).  And to be sure, there are lots of good folks, still, in Jew S A, but they're out-numbered by puke, purest filth, stupid scum.

And now, look, while the people are down, here's the queer, criminal traitor fm "Republicans," Sen. Lindsey Graham, kicking the people, seconding Obola, see  Don't doubt this idiot move by the queer, Sen. Graham, was perfectly planned, timed, and deliberately executed.

And note this is the sort of neo-con who wants to help Israel which Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo on JCs) support, BUT DO THEY SUPPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS TOO?--I don't think so--can't these dumb bastards grasp how they're being betrayed, like by such as Graham?

Poor, stupid, sons-of-bitches, the puke people of Jew S A--get ready for lots more kicks, u stupid scum--who'd rather watch the idiot TV and football games, dumb, brainless bastards.

Scummy, stinking filth who imagine they can just ignore reality are going to be killed by these satanic scum, like Obola and Graham.  But the human beings must not be discouraged, as this is what satanists want.

At this pt., people should be most pointedly exhorted that they're up against satanists, nothing else and nothing less, (a), (b) that Judaism = satanism, and (c) first thing to be done is to preach to the moronic puke led by the satanist cohorts, the JCs hereticalists.

At root, remember satanism is subjectivism, first pretext for which is always idea one can be "good" (Pelagian heresy), along w. false idea one has perfectly "free" will (HUBRIS), the stupid puke intimidated on pretext that they're "failures" for non-existent "good," suckers for inferiority complex, hence guilt.  Satanists love guilt, necessary for them to start working there-upon.

Yes, people are puke, but we must preach the REAL, hence anti-semitic, Christianity nonetheless.

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