Monday, November 24, 2014

Jew is always Jew (hence satanist) first--anything else comes second....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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 November 24, 2014 at 9:15 am  
"I guess my question boils down to- leftist jews in America would support JFK to the death, so surely you aren’t suggesting that typical jewish socialists were involved? Is it your case that it was a jewish conspiracy or more specifically an israeli thugocracy coup?"

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Being Jew Is Absolute satanic Commitment, Taking Precedence Over All Else
(Apollonian, 24 Nov 14)

In reply to above by tiger, note Jews are ALWAYS Jews first before anything else--that anything else always serving Jew purposes.  And Judaism (Talmudism) is collectivism by nature, Jews holding that God judges them as whole people.  Individual judgment was a late development fm Ezekiel and Christians.

Observe further, practically all the top bolsheviks and communists are and were Jews--they fit most naturally, u see.

Thus Jews run the topmost criminal enterprise, the central-banking scam, beginning w. US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING, literally.  Banking then controls, literally, all the rest of the society.

By means of the funny-money which they print-up they buy, one way or another, everyone and everything--as we see.  So the "socialists" are just another branch of this large criminal operation overseen by the Jew bankers at the top.  Being sincerely "socialist" is mere part of their role as Jews, never doubt.


  1. flyingtigercomics

    November 24, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    I agree, and it’s a …”neglected” detail that not many commentators – Simon over at PJ Media being an exception- touch upon that socialism and marxism were very VERY jewish to begin with and the “top” leaders of the marxist faith and its conspiracies eg multiculturalism are over-represented with jews.

    But what about those jews being mainly non-practising? Does their religion and their culture, not to mention their race, overlap so much in their minds, in your opinion, that they are slaves to it?

    Don’t you think jews can convert away from what you despise to be “saved”- or just be “normal”?

    Are there any “good” jews in your opinion?

    1. Ultimately, Perfidy Of Jew Must Be Experienced First Hand--As For Everything Else

      Well tiger, don't forget dear St. Paul who was a Pharisee. But otherwise, it's extremely difficult for anyone born Jew to escape. No decent person would say they're Jew--esp. when they KNOW what it's all about.

      Don't forget what Judaism/Talmudism is, in first place--it's serious psycho-pathology--the more u get into it, the more of a psychopath one necessarily and naturally becomes. It would be like a gentile getting into masonry and/or satanism--it's hard to get-out once one makes commitment.

      I think u're right--lots of "Jews" don't bother reading Talmud or really know anything much about it, but that's their fault. There are lots of people like myself who rail against Talmud, talking about what filth it is. People should make it a pt. generally to ck into what the Talmud teaches--no less than they should know about New Test., etc.

      And there are Jews (mostly non-religious, surely) who fund Ron Paul, etc., but still, they always seem to heed to the lies, at least some of them, about Jews being "persecuted" and mis-treated, etc.--one cannot and should not trust anyone calling himself Jew--they're too prone to the Jewwy lies and prop, regardless their motivations.

      Observe how bad enough it is, people and gentiles, some even calling themselves Christian, who defend and make excuses for Jews--note then these are most likely to act like Jews themselves (extreme subjectivists and satanists), don't forget. Those who call themselves Jews are even worse-off, necessarily, subject as they are, even more-so, to the Jew programming.

      Regardless, note it's typical for the usual "Christian"-oriented gentiles to ALWAYS having pity for the Jew, ALWAYS giving them "benefit-of-doubt"--for which charity they're ALWAYS doomed to suffering horribly, ALWAYS. And one ultimately only learns by experience.
