Sunday, September 21, 2014

satanists in Australia continue to add to police-state powers, morons continuing to sitting-still....

Satanist Police-State Continues To Advance
(Apollonian, 21 Sep 14)

Ck  So in Australia they're continuing taking rights of citizens, now giving the police more legal pretext to encourage them to murder the people and dissidents who will be called "terrorists," the satanic powers KNOWING the people have all/every grounds for righteous rebellion.

And this advancing police-state began as these bold Satanists staged "terror" false-flags, blamed it on "terrorists" and Musselmen, the dumb, brainless, schizoid (see ref. expo on schizoids) puke, calling themselves "citizens," went along w. it, and stood still for Jewwy criminals taking their rights--hey, why not, if people can be sooooooooooooooo goddam stupid--if it can, it will happen, eh?

So this idiocy will continue as West continues Spenglerian CYCLIC "decline," though evermore will belatedly, slowly, gradually achieve awareness--this awakening then, must be encouraged much as possible, even as things seem sooooooo HOPELESS, don't forget.  Note the worse it all gets, the more will the people begin to stirring, looking around, and asking questions.

Patriots must be ready to (a) explain the Spenglerian cultural "decline," (b) how Christianity has been Judaized and hi-jacked fm the original, proper anti-Semitism, (c) Christianity properly worshipping TRUTH above all, hence reason, rationality, and honesty, (d) and the PRACTICAL weapon Jews use, the US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam/fraud to buying everything and practically everyone.

And ZOG can and must be taken-down by means of US Constitution, states rights, primacy of local gov., nullification, and secession, never forget.  Continue to hanging-in, by all means.

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you are getting thoughts frlm this piece of writjng as well as from our discussion made here.
