Monday, September 22, 2014

satanist puke bring in Afgan troops (who went AWOL) as obvious pretext for another false-flag....

Satanists Bring In Afgan Troops To USA--For Excuse For Another False-Flag, Naturally
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 14)

Ck  Alex Jones ( tells us about Afgan troops being trained here in Jew S A went AWOL--perfect for a false-flag.  These Afgans are also known for killing American troops, don't forget.

After all, what kind of scum would really want to work w. satanic ZOG?  So when the Afgan troops figure-out what ZOG is really all about why wouldn't they do their best to kill American troops?--esp. if they really are patriots, eh?  Ho ho ho ho

Meantime US citizens on US territory are ordered to remove US flags, why?--because it "might offend foreigners."  See

Satanists are laughing and happy as US continues pathetic CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West," the idiot people/citizenry entertaining satanist Judaism like it's legitimate religion, dumbass, ignorant puke.

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