Tuesday, September 16, 2014

satanists are coming to KILL u stupid, brainless puke--and they KNOW they can't relent in efforts as they KNOW what could happen to them for their TREASON, dumbasses

Satanists Steadily Killing The Puke Schizoidal Filth--Poor, Stupid Scum--Satanists KNOW They MUST Kill The People And Cannot Let-Up For The Effort
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 14)

Here's perfect example of Satanism now slow-kill murdering the people and children, forced to go to school, the school essentially force-feeding the kids now w. poisoned food: see

And here's a great story on the billionaires funding overthrow of US Constitution and 2nd amendment, committing treason in-ur-face:

See, this is how U KNOW these Satanist filth MUST kill u and us--why?--because they're openly, blatantly committing treason, and they know it, and they KNOW enough others know it too.  And these gun-control traitors KNOW what's penalty for treason and what's going to happen to them--IF there's any justice, eh?  Ho ho ho ho ho

So u see, they KNOW they cannot fail--they KNOW they've got to make good on their present effort to kill the people, and they can't give-up--can't allow the people (us) any opportunity to getting back at them.

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