Monday, September 15, 2014

"Common Core"--satanist edjumacation: it encourages hedonist indulgence and sense-gratification, taking time fm training of the mind/intellect....

"Common Core"--Satanist Edjumacation
(Apollonian, 15 Sep 14)

Ck the latest outrage fm "common core" "education":

Observe then what the school using this "common core" programming/thought-control is doing for 11 and 12 yr olds (!) in 6th grade: encouraging them in mindless, sensuous indulgence--rather than teaching the modes of actual conscious thinking and analysis for intellect--like there's not enough hedonist self-indulgence in sense-gratification in present society?--latest twist for bread & circuses.

Such is Satanist "edjumacation"--and note it's NOT designed for edification or development of the intellect--on the contrary--making for hedonism and anti-intellectuality.

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