Friday, March 1, 2019

Unz is just the typical Jew liar, pretends he's accomplished anything, ho ho oho ho oho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz: Mere Typical Jew Liar, Psy-Ops Op, Nothing More
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 19)

Unz: We both know (and there are un-doubtedly many others too) thou are just another Jew--just another liar. And thou have already reached thy "Peter Principle" level of incompetence because thou are determined to defending Jews and the system of lies, lying, and criminality which promotes Jews, this epitomized at the top by the criminal-enterprise of central-banking and fiat-currency system (see for expo on central-bank), literally legalized counterfeiting, which plainly rules and defines the entire culture, which criminal culture dominates the world, soon to being horribly destroyed--as it surely deserves to be, all in accord w. satanic Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

Thou are NOT in favor of either (a) truth, or (b) free speech and expression--this is plain by thy consistent censorship of my expositions on the real root of the cultural problems, among other things thou do, like the deliberate injection of thy trollery and agents thereof. All thou wants is CONTINUATION of the same old Jew hegemony, such as it is--at same time as pretending to complain about it, ho ho ho oho--quite clever, I'm sure thou thinks.

But I'm SURE thy fellow Jews are impressed at thy amazing chutzpah.

And don't forget people can read thy own writing and expositions to confirm thy typical hatred of humanity and gentiles as expressed soooo eloquently and clearly in thy "Open Ltr to Alt-Right," whence thou can't even DEFINE what "alt-right" is, ho ho ho ho oho.

Thy obvious "gimmick" is thy publishing the ostensive anti-semitic articles and columns, while then grossly and HEAVILY manipulating, by means of extensive, thorough-going CENSORSHIP and deleting, in the comments section. Thou simply strives to pretending thou Jews are like normal humans, even "white," as other non-Jew folk. Thou REFUSES to allow any exposition why/how Jews are unique, TOTALLY un-like others, for after all, thou DON'T WANT competition for thy Judaic ruling status and position, such as it is.

And note I've suggested and demanded thou publishes the number, per article, of submissions to comments pages vs. the already noted number of published--because then people will get excellent idea of thy intensive CENSORSHIP--thou dares not allow that number to be known for obvious reasons.

Thou allows only platitudinous and hackneyed complaints about Jews which typically rolls off thy backs like water off a rain-coat--as Goebbels noted 80 yrs ago. At same time thou features known, consistent, plain liars like thy Jew buddies "corvinus" and "incitatus," and other trolls, like sandal-wearing "Fatima," allegedly fm Spain.

So thou have gotten as far now, for practical purposes regarding publication and readership "success," as thou will ever get as things continue degenerating, culturally and economically, and consistently getting worse. Thou can be proud as thou will ever be for achieving whatever thou imagines it's possible to do for fooling the stupid, over-populated goyim, but it's not going to get substantially better--do thou really imagine thou have "succeeded"?

For all thou have done is to playing thy own corrupt little mind-game of the psychotic, lying Jew who imagines he's fooled the goyim once again--when in reality all thou have really done is to imitate and emulate thy fellow Jew monsters and criminals for the usual, typical dis-info, agit-prop. and lies. Thou should be satisfied, not so proud, and don't fail to append thy signature "LOL" at the tail end of this comment of mine if thou decides to mock the gentiles, by publishing a glimmer of truth, as such mocking thou love to doing, eh?--like the typical psychopath. Ho ho ho ho ho.

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