Thursday, February 14, 2019

Studying the kike, Unz, shows how the typical kike operates and why....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Studying The Jew, Thou Say?--Here, We Study Jew, Ron Unz
(Apollonian, 14 Feb 19)

Gee whiz, folks, but note we all can study the Jew right here on Unz Review, eh? So what does Unz do?--he simply practices obligatory, for Jews, dis-info, deflection, diversion, all designed for confusion, discord (among gentiles), and cognitive dissonance. Observe the techniques Unz uses.

(1) Observe Unz literally TROLLS his own site, as for example, the essentially duplicate entry by "Thomm" as one of the first posts on the Phil Giraldi "Being Marco Rubio" article. For note, Unz's "gimmick" is he publishes "anti-Semitic" journalism and articles, pretending thereby to practice "freedom of speech and expression," but this practice of real "freedom" for a Jew is impossible, even in-conceivable--otherwise Unz wouldn't be a Jew, and the other Jews really wouldn't allow it--Unz would be assassinated.

(2) ALWAYS, Unz, loyal Jew, wants to pretend, hey, there are "good" Jews, Jews who are "white"--like Unz himself, for example. But HOW could there be "good" psychopaths?--or good Jews?--Unz won't get into that, not seriously. For Unz might publish the article, but the article won't be seriously analyzed or appreciated--Unz sees to that.

(3) And Unz lies: he pretends and says he's "light" on the "moderation," meaning censorship, but it's just the typical Jew lying. (4) Unz CENSORS intensively--he's the ULTIMATE TROLL for his own site, and this trolling by Unz is one of his greatest secrets and most interesting techniques. It would be most interesting and telling to find out how many entries and postings are submitted to Unz Review articles, and of those, how many are then actually published. For the number of entries would surely be surprising, compared to the smaller number of what are actually published.

(5) So, in this fashion, as I've noted, Unz DELIBERATELY promotes a false and diversionary dialectic and discussion, and he carefully censors anything that is genuine and serious for the purpose, function, and role of Jews within the society. (6) Most of all, Unz will not tolerate a serious study of (a) Satanism, though he might allow it to be mentioned randomly, but it won't be seriously analyzed, especially for what it actually is--extreme subjectivism.

(b) Unz similarly will not allow serious, genuine discussion on Talmud, as that discussion would necessarily involve subjectivism, and people would soon enough link the two, (a) Satanism and (b) Talmudism, the basis for Judaism, given the common subject-matter of SUBJECTIVISM.

(c) These subjects, Satanism and Talmudism Unz will censor as being "mere" "religion" which discussion Unz desperately wants to avoid, pretending and insisting they're "off-topic." But "off-topic" to what? For there's NOTHING more "topical" for anti-Semitism than subjectivism and Satanism--and that topicality Unz will not allow for serious discussion or analysis.

(d) Then of course, there's dear old Christianity, the specific, deliberate, designated ANTI-DOTE to Satanism and Judaism/Pharisaism, Christianity featuring a specific philosophy which Unz desperately wants to hide and obfuscate, confuse, mis-construe, and over-look--it (Christian philosophy) also will barely be entertained or tolerated or seriously discussed--and these pt.s I note here, about Satanism, subjectivism, Judaism, and Christianity, are what Unz, like all Jews, is deathly afraid of and determined to deflect by all the various and possible means, beginning w. most crass CENSORSHIP, never doubt.

What a racket, fraud, deception, and game Unz actually runs on his dis-info website. Observe all the people (including myself) and suckers Unz gets to commenting and posting their opinions, many of whom actually praise Unz for his efforts, the poor fools, so many of them actually thinking they accomplish anything by posting on Unz's comments pages, but don't realize they're only published as they're largely irrelevant and missing the real pt. to things Judaic, satanistic, and germane to the real cultural situation. Amen.

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