Monday, February 11, 2019

Patriots hoping to overcome Jew world order must grasp SATANISM is the general problem, that's environment in which Jews operate successfully, Jews FOREMOST satanists....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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War Against Globalist Dictatorship And Genocide Requires Reaction Against Ruling Satanism
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 19)

Note that before Israel of 1948, the Jew-dominated money power ruled, and continued to rule, as we note the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) affected all administrations, Rep. and Dem. And this Jew world order (JWO), also "New" world order (NWO), was heavily "leftist" and atheist.

But now, as we see by election of Trump, there has arisen and arrived the more "rightist"-styled Israel-first, Zionists, or "neo-cons" faction which affects things by means of very same money-power, ultimately sourced in the central-bank, fiat-currency system of practically INFINITE currency, not real MONEY--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

And we hear fm Trump now trumpeting "nationalism" against the previously ascendant "globalism" which continues to hurt and smart fm the recent election loss they suffered against Trump. So we now have "globalist" Jews of the "left" vs. the present "nationalist" Jews of the "right," and we see these "rightist" Jews want much the same thing, like especially control of the inter-net by means originally of tax-funded and legally-favored monopolies, like Google, and the other "tech" giants.

So we see USA and world is dominated by these Jew-controlled MONOPOLIES, like the central-bank and then "tech" giants practicing monopolist censorship.

Un-fortunately USA is over-populated w. usual and typical stupid goons, TV-addicted morons, suckers, and scum--they're the problem, enforcing the reign of stupidity, hence rule of Jews, criminals, and the various monopolies, including now, not only the "tech" giants, but the Jews-media and such as "Big Pharma," presently killing people en masse' by means of poison drugs and vaccines, poison GMO food and food additives," chem-trails," toxic electro-magnetic radiation, etc.

So it's hard to know what to do about things but to recognizing the Jew factions, "leftist" "globalists" and "nationalists" pretending to opposing one another, but actually co-operating, as for I-net censorship--it's very much game of "good Jew cop vs. bad Jew cop." And there are NO "GOOD" Jews, suckers. HOW can gentiles resist?--they must recognize the common Satanism which characterizes the Jew-dominated culture.

And anti-satanic movement requires (a) understanding of this deadly Satanism, Satanism being extreme SUBJECTIVISM, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, the subject being the creator of reality, like God--Satanism by definition.

(b) Thus satanic establishment rules by means of its control over the central-bank and fiat-currency system, allowing these Satanists to literally owning and controlling everyone and everything, starting w. all politicians and judges.

(c) And the satanic central-bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, putting out proliferated, nearly INFINITE currency, not real MONEY which must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver.

(d) And just as criminal monopolies MUST be eliminated and broken-up, USA must most strictly observe US Constitution, states-rights, nullification, and secession, thus rectifying horrific mass-murder of 1860s, etc. See for expo.

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