Monday, February 4, 2019

It's sad, horrific, tragic thing, truly, to see stupid, brainless puke so willingly, easily committing suicide--esp. for sake of such stinking scum as kike filth....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Poor, Stupid, Hubristic, Over-Populated Scum Committing Suicide--But That's Life, After All
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 19)

Brilliant, cogent, short-and-sweet job of analysis/commentary by Giraldi, BUT there's one thing he leaves out which is the tool of enforcement by which Israel/Jews get their way, as always, as usual. And that is the criminal-enterprise and monopoly at the top of things culturally in Jew S A, the central-bank, fiat-currency system which is LITERALLY just legalized counterfeiting--see for expo on central-bank; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

For Jews have always controlled this central-banking financial system, fm back in times of the Napoleonic wars, and even before, when Alex Hamilton, the Sec. Treasury at the time, sponsored and pushed the very first central-bank, the Bank of the US (BUS).

Thus the central-bank puts-out nearly, practically INFINITE currency--not real MONEY, which real money MUST be commodity, hence FINITE in amount, gold/silver being the best. For real money is eventually exhausted for taxation purposes, hence for purposes of financing imperialist wars--but which imperial wars and endless gov. financing is precisely enhanced and enabled by the INFINITE currency, evermore devalued as it is evermore inflated, proliferated.

For the problem is "MONEY" is really an ABSTRACT subject-matter which immediately puts it BEYOND the ken of most of our stupid, over-populated people who are easily confused and then convinced that CURRENCY is a better system as it's INFINITE, the poor, stupid scum.

And is it really "force for evil" as Giraldi says?--no, for "evil" doesn't exist, everyone doing what they think is the best thing, everything considered. What Giraldi must understand is history is DETERMINED (according to absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), hence CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," whence a people are ultimately consumed in HUBRIS and thus eventually to crass, horrific Satanism, worship of death, as we see w. Agenda-21 and -2030 explicit GENOCIDE program, the poor, doomed, stupid fools.

People just get toooooooooo over-populated, toooooooooo stupid, and now something tragic has to happen to the dumb pieces of excrement--are they "evil"?--no, again, for there's no such thing, the stupid scum genuinely thinking it's good (or the proper and "right") thing to do--stupid and suicidal, but such is the sad reality which is TRAGIC, as Greeks taught us. Jews are simply that socio-biologic disease element which consummates the grim process, that necessary CYCLIC course of history.

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