Saturday, January 19, 2019

satanism is cause of the present CYCLIC downtrend and seeming "suicide" of West....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Spenglerian "Decline Of West" Is Not Necessarily "Suicide," Merely Down-Trend
(Apollonian, 17 Jan 19)

Durocher observes, above: <blockquote>"In 1914, we [presumably whites] essentially dominated the world and made up a third of human population. Before 2100, a blink of an eye in historical let alone evolutionary terms, we will have lost control not only of our colonial empires but even of our own homelands, being reduced to minorities in not only North America but even Western Europe. We will make up less than 5 percent of the global population. The triumph of liberal-democracy’s individualist and egalitarian principles have coincided with Europeans’ evolutionary suicide."</blockquote>

Well, the SEEMING "suicide" of whites is surely because Durocher's "...liberal-democracy’s individualist and egalitarian principles" is just really euphemism for SATANISM, a mish-mash of irrationalist, anti-human, and false moralism, as fm such as Immanuel Kant and Karl Marx, a couple of nut-cases who yet captured the imagination of a lot of (over-populated morons and fools) people who destroyed themselves--who needed destruction too, I submit--for their "moral" ideas are LITERALLY suicidal, Kant's "duty," and Marx's crass altruism, "to each according to need, fm each according to ability"--PERFECTLY designed for the death of the host/subject.

Thus Oswald Spengler is well vindicated for his magnificent exposition of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," whence the founder generations are highly commendable, heroic, victorious, and productive, BUT allowing for and leading then to an OVER-population of masses of inferiors and weaklings of the inheritor generations--as in the Roman and American examples--who didn't have to work so hard or fight as much, become corrupt and perverse in their HUBRIS, bringing-in the Jews, for another example, the Jews then taking-over, and now we have to facing present-day Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

So observe the original OBJECTIVE-orientation, philosophically, of the founders is REVERSED in the inheritors' subjectivism, especially in way of moralism, pretending to (non-existent) "good-evil" and (non-existent) "free" will--rather than the more pronounced determinism (absolute cause-effect, NO perfectly "free" will) of the founders. Thus we have presently the total hegemony of the ultra-subjectivist Jews, featuring their filthy Talmudic "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition."

The Jews then aren't the first cause of things--the cause is simply the natural, CYCLIC corruption and HUBRIS, as of the inheritor generations who thereupon bring-in Jews, making Jews the arbiters, the Jews soon totally taking-over an already corrupt culture/society--it's where we are now in the CYCLIC process of things historic and sociologic.

And specifically we see the take-over of the Jews in the central-banking system (see for expo; use site search-engine), the gentiles beginning and starting the fiat-currency schemes, but too conflicted to be successful, the Jews then taking-over such criminal-enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting), the gentile people not grasping such fraudulence, being tooo stupid and over-populated, falling over one another, the Jews far more COLLECTIVISTICALLY-oriented, "thick as thieves," far more successful in "group-think," dedication, commitment, and especially organization.

So in conclusion: I submit the present corruption and catastrophe, as in the central-bank corruption, is only partially a "suicide"--ACTUALLY it is a necessary CULLING-OUT of the over-populated inferiors and weaklings--a distinct down-trend, without a doubt--but not at all a complete "suicide" for ALL the members.

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