Saturday, January 19, 2019

In deterministic world, race actually means a lot....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Race Is Everything, Seriously
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Fatima: In case there's any doubt left in thy mind regarding Jews--don't thou thinketh best thing is to ck-ing their basic philosophy?--it's in Talmud, also Zohar (Cabala)--and remember, it isn't ONLY "religion"--it's philosophy too. Jews are foremost subjectivists, as I noted. See,, and Find-out about their "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," their fundamental method.

Regarding "racism," note, if thou just checketh any dictionary, thou sees the real meaning: LOYALTY and pride in people, ancestors, culture--racism is a virtue. And note also, racism is AXIOMATIC--for one is necessarily loyal, even if only by default, to SOME race, mixed or non-mixed, "white," black, red, yellow, brown--whatever--"white" (which is a generalized abstraction, obviously) or non-white. And if then thou says thou are loyal to human race in general, then that just reduces to "mixed," doesn't it?

Note also, regarding race, following the determinist premise (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), whatever race one is determines the way one thinks and acts, determines cultural back-ground, the premises upon which further conclusions are based. So as the Jew, Disraeli, the old British Prime Minister, said (I understand, in one of his fiction works), "race is everything--is all."

I think thou deserves lots of credit to come here to this site and face us racist scum--we believe we're right and justified--and we're not ever going to just give-up--and note, we ALWAYS win in the end. Generations fm now, the people will surely enjoy a holiday to commemorate the extermination of Judaism, if not Jews themselves--a crushing blow by humanity against Satanism, eh?--that's what I'm working for, anyway.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 326, Fatima Manoubia says:
January 17, 2019 at 8:48 pm GMT • 1,000 Words

Why do you hate…

I do not hate, that for starters ( may be racist misogynist fascists or ISIS thugs…but, well, those are not worth even the effort in trying….), it seems that it´s precisely you who have a long list of human beings to hate, since it is obvious that it is not only Jews with whom you have issues, but also, muslims, “commies”, and how not, women, especially if they are feminists…. ( but, I fear, it is really any woman who dares to have an opinion in your presence, isn´t it? ) I fear I am getting short with those named so far….

I do not hate Palestinians ( what do you know of me to assert such a lie, moron? ) whom I have defended in the internet forums more than you could do in 100 lives.

Only tried to make the point that there could be Jew people who could be honest…. I went a bit metaphorical, and get lost on the branches, a commonality in me, I notice, and not the kind of comment is appreciated here, but, well, lesson learnt for the next time, after all, no está hecha la miel para la boca del burro…

I wonder, what part of that I did never intend buying any Israeli product, have you, and the other two or three over here, not understand from my comment?
What part of me having issue in wearing an Israeli product once aware of its acquisition and thus intend to hide its origins did you not understand either?

Have you noticed ( if there is any time in the day when you are not blinded by your hatred of everybody to reflect a bit… ) that the sandals traveled through all the Middle East and Magreb, still wearing its trade patch ( which I could not remove without hurting the stripes badly…not funds for another pair…nor at my hand the luxury to throw them away…) and nobody had any issue, since most people there are mainly centered in the hard work of surviving and saving the day, and, if possible, taking a few of spare time to have a good time even with a friendly foreigner passing? Yes, you see, those damned muslims are such hospitable and helpful, and enjoy such and ancient and wide culture so as to enjoy those little things of which you have no idea….hence your bitterness…

Of course, besides of a pair of Israeli good sandals at my feet, I also hold an Spanish passport, plus the fame of my Basque countrymen/women ( impenitent travellers …) who preceded me, to have the doors wide open even in the most remote corner of the world….

FYI, it is precisely in Europe where Palestinian rights are most defended ( do not come here to give lessons on that…) and concretely here, in the Basque Country, they have always had a bastion where they can lay for support, with multiple initiatives for such a tiny portion of land we live in….
What have you done for the Palestinians lately, tell me, you American? Let me guess, rien de rien, if not vociferating from your safe space at your armchair/computer….lest Mossad is coming…. after you…..Ahhh, horror!
Do you know what impression you make? That you are all scared of them to the bones….And they know it!…. This is why you are doomed…Take it as it is, and stop projecting your self-loathing over the rest of us, do us a favor.

I have not any obligation of giving you personal data, but I will say you that I am so muslim out of the nick name I wear here, as you are a “Hero”, by the same reason, nothing to do with reaity, although I could well be described as an arabophile, since I love Arab culture, art, music, people and mystic, and I am very interested in real Islam, not the invented distortions produced in the US/KSA so that be able to throw an army of dangerous criminals armed to the teeth freshly released from high security jails to continue looting those countries which do not surrender to their aims of conquest and expoil….

For the rest, and since you love here talking about race so much, I am a Celt ( 100%), born and currenty living in the Basque Country by migration of my parents who arrived here in their teens. I love both cultures, love especially the sea, where I pass all time I am able, but also the mountains, the desert, and the peoples of the world….Hence I spend all my funds available travelling….

And, btw, for you to rage more, when I get my new passport, I wil be travelling to Israel too, I am going to walk Vía Dolorosa at sunset…..and, why not, eat some good falafel….and, if I manage, I would like also visiting Palestinian territories…and talk a bit while smoking a sisha ( it´s the only thing I smoke…love the custom…especially with apple savor…)

I use to enjoy meeting people, but I can not say it was a pleasure meeting you. You are a rude, man, as you approach unknown people this way, offending at the first word you say… No wonder you are complaining on that nobody here wants to engage with you, why should they?
I am going to be blunt now, just buy a forest for yourself… and get lost….

Finally, old is you, independently of your age, and, for you to see that I do not hate… even you, I leave you some advice…

If anytime you arrive in Paris, go to Chez Finkelstein, at Le Marais neighborhood and order a “Jidish sandwich” and cheesecake for dessert, these are my favourites, all very good and homemade, nothing to do with what The Donald offered the other day to those poor guys….

And a song…..

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