Monday, January 7, 2019

Do we true Christians and anti-semites (the most effective ones) really say "it's all kikes' fault"?--not quite, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but deleted and censored, once again, by the kike Unz (what's he afraid of?), at comments,

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Truth?--It's What Corresponds To Reality, According To Sense-Perception--Not Diff. FM Science
(Apollonian, 7 Jan 19)

<blockquote> The same way their domestic dummies believe that it’s all Jews fault....</blockquote>

Actually, we (Christian) worshippers of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), DON'T SAY it's "...all Jews' fault"--get a clue.

What happens is a once successful culture, like the Roman, and present American, CORRUPTS, in accord w. CYCLIC theory of Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West," in which once objectivistically-minded (hence DETERMINIST--absolute cause-effect) heroes of founder generations inevitably breed, through the following generations, a corrupt progeny who become evermore SUBJECTIVISTIC--pretending to a perfectly "free" will, by which they create reality and achieve (non-existent) "good," etc.--which obtains today in satanist (extreme subjectivism) "politically-correct" socialist dictatorship, featuring now Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, and fueled by the criminal enterprise of central-banking (see for expo on such fraudulent "banking"--use their search-engine).

The Jews then, being the ultimate extreme subjectivists ("midrash" interpretation and "Oral Law Tradition," in accord w. Talmud--see,, and for best expo), simply then take-over, as we see, being the most thorough-going subjectivists, practicing the most COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism/satanism ("group-think")--like a disease, like typhus or black plague, victimizes an already un-healthy, corrupt, and/or mal-nutritioned host.

Such then is "Decline of the West," demonstrated w. the rise of the Israeli terror-state, for thematic example, these Jews master-minding perpetual war, giving orders and instructions to co-racialists who've thoroughly infiltrated all the key gentile countries, esp. USA, now Jew S A.

Thus the theory is in "cutting off head" of the proverbial "snake" to substantial solution for the cultural corruption. But then problem is in getting past the "Praetorian Guard" made up by such as "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who pretend "Christ was Jew," etc.

So then the problem is in treating the "Judeo-Christian" (also known as "Christian-Zionists") heresy among general Christian-gentile population.

Thus the problem is the CYCLIC over-population of a corrupt mass of gentiles within a corrupt culture now dominated by Jews, as we plainly see, easily verified. Hence the corruption itself becomes its own "solution," the corrupt gentiles being killed-off and dying-out, due to the Jew disease, the Jews themselves evermore falling-out w. one-another, as we seem to see, the "leftist," atheist-style Jews, the "GLOBALISTS" vs. the latest wave of "neo-con" "nationalists" headed by Trump and hill-billy, Ajax Jewns of

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 219, Cyrano says:Next New Comment
January 7, 2019 at 3:46 pm GMT • 300 Words

I don’t think so. As the Who used to say: I can see for miles and miles. When it comes to greed, the Anglo elites can put the Jews to shame. Only one big difference: the Jews are smarter.

I envy the Anglos, though, I envy them that they have those domestic dummies to whom they can tell almost any lie and get away with it. But there is downside to that: The Anglo elites have gotten so good at lying, they now moved on to the next challenge – lying to themselves.

Just couple of decades ago – they managed to convince themselves that moving few factories to China is not a big deal, there is no way that that will make China rich. They thought: “We are just going to exploit the Chinese, the same way we are exploiting those domestic dummies”.

How did the elites got away with that big fat lie to themselves? Again, it was easy – because they had to lie to stupid – themselves. It’s not difficult to lie to stupid – whoever they might be.

By running decades long propaganda at home, the elites have not only managed to lower the intelligence of their working class, they lowered their own intelligence. Have you noticed how their lies are becoming stupider and stupider? The same way their domestic dummies believe that it’s all Jews fault, the same way their little bit more “sophisticated” elites believe that it’s all Russia’s fault. Neither of them are even within the ballpark of the truth.

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