Friday, August 24, 2018

satanic "deep-state" needs be taken seriously, dealt-with on their own terms....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Kass Under-Estimates Enormity And Full Implications Of Deep-State Narrative
(Apollonian, 25 Aug 18)

Problem of John Kass for this article of his is he doesn't seem to grasp the half of the fraud and psy-ops that's being perpetrated by "deep-state," and real implications of things he talks about here, otherwise rather creditably.

See, the electronic voting is well-known to be totally fraudulent, controlled, and RIGGED--get a clue. So all this idiot "emotion" that Kass talks about is actually mere part of a narrative being set-up to later justify and complement the rigged, fraudulent voting.

For now, after the rigged, fraudulent voting the "deep-state" will present the lies and propaganda preceding it as something that's actually factual, now providing predicate, setting, and premise for the rigged vote, trying to make it seem more likely and realistic. The stupid people, so many of them, will accept the fraud as it all seems to make sense when all put together for CONSISTENCY.

Remember further, the rigged electronic voting isn't the only fraud being perpetrated on regular basis. There are other sorts of frauds being committed by the parties and the deep-state behind everything.

So this false narrative being so consistently pushed and repeated by deep-state is important, integral part of the larger satanic society and its corrupt mentality imposed upon the stupid, hubristic, corrupt people.

Further, when one considers the psychotic and criminal mentality of Brennan, former head of the CIA and fanatic "globalist," he surely, genuinely considers Trump to being a "traitor," given his satanic premises in which he believes most intensively. Brennan isn't just joking around, and he ought to be taken seriously and most realistically--for there IS a serious, genuine problem at issue which we'd be fools to ignore or over-look.

So when everything is taken into consideration, this leftist propaganda and lying is truly telling and revealing for deep-state mentality and what they're trying to project upon the people. Kass only suspects the half of it.

For if nothing else, this sort of madness on part of Brennan is way of encouraging the "faithful" and "committed" among the partisans and "true-believers" of the "deep-state" and their sacred vision of globalist dictatorship.

And of course, the prop. and narrative pushed by deep-state is what's the real TREASON against the nation, people, their rights, rule-of-law, etc., and it's good evidence and basis for dealing w. these people on practical basis--they should be prosecuted for treason and sedition. I suspect Kass doesn't take these issues seriously enough and that he's being more than a little patronizing about it all, letting himself be played for fool.

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